Sharp LC-32RA1E flickering?

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#1 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2007, 13:12
Firstly i'm sorry to write in english. I can understand german but It's more difficult for me to write it.
I've just bought a Sharp LC-32RA1E and I'm happy of the image quality.
However I've a problem which disturbs me. I sometimes can see the image flicker. There is like waves on my image coming from the bottom of the screen.
I'm receiving TV through ANALOG technology and the TV is connected with a 10meters long cable.
What can be the origin of these "waves" (I thought LCDs normally don't flicker)??
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#2 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2007, 16:14
what is about flickering with dvd?

and if you freeze the picture, is it still flickering?
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#3 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2007, 17:00
I've to try that tonight and I'll give you the result. My first impression (because I've tried the freezing function) is that the waves continue when frozen. But I'll try again to be sure.
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#4 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2007, 19:24
I've tried to freeze the TV image and also tried a DVD (connected through SCART) and to pause the DVD.
The flickering is always there!!! So it apparently doesn't come from my analog cable.

I don't know if it's only an idea but i've the impression it's not on the whole image but only in the unicolor, not moving areas. For example, is someone is speaking on a blue background, the background flickers but the speaker doesn't.
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#5 erstellt: 05. Mrz 2007, 12:46
I have an RA1E too and I don't know anybody who has the flickering you mentioned .. I think you should ask the support
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#6 erstellt: 05. Mrz 2007, 22:33
I've tried to deactivate simultaneously the Analog TV and the DVD. I even tried to deactivate all my wifi connections and my Hifi (I thought at interferences), but the flickering doesn't want to go away.

My latest chance is with Sharp Support I think, I've sent an email to my reseller to see how I have to do. I hope they'll help me

How is the Sharp Support?
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#7 erstellt: 06. Mrz 2007, 21:33
Before bringing the TV back to SHARP, I've tried the following:
I've played the DVD Lord of the rings and pushed PAUSE. I saw the image flickering and when looking nearly at the image, I could see that the pixels in the "flickering area" always move, the image is not still (not ALL the pixels change tone of colour (become light blue and then dark blue again and so on), only some of them)! Is that normal on a LCD??
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#8 erstellt: 06. Mrz 2007, 21:41
i tried it just a moment ago and i am not able to see something like that ...

so i dont think that it's normal...
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#9 erstellt: 06. Mrz 2007, 22:52
Ok thanks for your test, I'll send the TV back to sharp
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#10 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2007, 09:24
hi raph,

ja, jetzt ist alles gut bei mir.

ich habe in dem shop ein neues gerät erhalten.

ich bin kein techniker, ich denke aber, dass eine art dimmer in dem gerät eingebaut ist. dieser scheint das flickern zu verursachen.

never mind, wird schon alles gut gehen...

gruß olaf
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#11 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2007, 18:58
For those who have the same problem as I described. I've sent my TV back to Sharp and they repaired it.
They told me it was a problem coming from a "platine". I have no idea what it is but the TV is now working.
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#12 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2007, 22:30
great ... sharp support works , huh ?
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#13 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2007, 23:05
I spoke a little bit to early! The problem didn't disappear!!!
What happened is that sharp support did change a component (platine??) in the TV and then tested it with factory settings. The backlight was set to it's highest value and in this case the problem doesn't appear...
I had to call back sharp and now I've to send them the TV a second time. I hope they'll test it right this time!

So I'm not so happy of the efficiency of sharp support, but at least they're nice when you contact them.
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#14 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2007, 23:25
eventually you should try other settings ...

here is one setting working fine in germany

hintergrundbel. 0
kontrast +30
helligkeit +6
farbe +10
farbtönung 0
schärfe +2
farbtemp. normal
schwarzwert aus!
schwarz weiss aus
filmmodus an!
trud ein
I/P modus zeilensprung wenn über Scart 576i!

Rauschunterdrückung gering
Schnellbild ein
OPC aus

sorry that this is in germany ..
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#15 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2007, 19:20
Thanks, but I do have almost the same settings as yours.

The problem comes frome backlight (hintergrundbeleuchtung) when it's value is set lower than the maximum. It means that with the "hintergrundbeleuchtung" value set to 0 I have the flickering effect.

I've tried many settings and finally concluded it comes from the backlight.

The only problem is that sharp did try the TV only with backlight set to it's maximum value... In this case everything is ok!

Note to Hillox: I can understand german but I'm bad at writing it! French would be even better than english
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#16 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2007, 12:41
never learned french , so lets talk english

well you should ask the support again .. flickering is not normal !
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#17 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2007, 14:46
Yep I've sent my tv back to sharp this morning.

I'll keep you informed on the next episode

This time I've wroten that they have to call me before sending the tv back to me, so I can know what they've repaired or changed... I don't want to be in the same situation again!
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#18 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2007, 08:03

Sharp called me yesterday. They told me they saw the problem with the parameters I gave them (the same in the precedent Hillox message).
They also tested these parameters on another new LC-32RA1E and a 32GA9E. Both of them had also the problem, so he concluded that it's a problem present in all sharp tvs...

It's really hard to believe!! I don't know what to do now!

[Beitrag von RaphV am 30. Mrz 2007, 08:04 bearbeitet]
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#19 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2007, 14:45
lol I don'T think that its a problem of all tv's , mine is working fine I think ...

and why didn't they seen it before ?
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