The Köln Concert- Keith Jarret – Rate this recording

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#1 erstellt: 30. Jun 2009, 05:54

How many of you are familiar with this recording ?
I find the performance very creative.
How would you rate this recording if you were to evaluate your system for its capabilities in recreating the piano ?
The piano is a difficult instrument to reproduce. I have been listening to this recording on a few systems and the results are quite mixed.
#2 erstellt: 30. Jun 2009, 12:24
I have only the Lp's ECM, German pressings. The recording is typical ECM, squeaky clean and the recording hall ambience is coveyed well.( Accuracy of which can only be known to those who have listened live at that venue). Some might feel the recording to be Dry like some ECM are, still the piano sounds like one when played through a good system. Talking of system reminds me of the importance of a fast tight low freq reproduction capability when playing piano music, it provides the right weight for each notes. The boomy bass will spoil the show as much as the honkiness of some bookshelf speakers.

Regarding music which is very personal, not my kind.
#3 erstellt: 30. Jun 2009, 19:25

ani schrieb:
The boomy bass will spoil the show as much as the honkiness of some bookshelf speakers.

Regarding music which is very personal, not my kind.

I tend to agree - this is an 'aquired' taste;
I did listen to it 2 times - but could not go through it. My 'maturity' as a 'listener' has a long way to go....

The first part of your statement - I might not entirely aggree with. I use 'book shelf' speakers & I am not so sure if they 'honk' !!
#4 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 05:56

Recording quality apart, the thril was gone after about 15 minutes of listening, just like bhagwan. I do confess jarret is not one of my favs.

Try a few telarc mjq recordings. Very good recordings with very good music.

#5 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 06:33
Hi Bhaqwan,

Please note the key word "some" in my remarks about bookshelf speakers. Regarding your Bookshelf less said the better

#6 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 07:47
By MJQ you ,mean the Modern Jazz Quartet right ? Any particular album ?

I kinda like Bill Evans better than Keith Jarret. I have a cd by Ahmed Jamal which sounds good too.
This Koln Concert is one of the best selling Jazz albums till date but although I find it quite creative, I find I do not listen to it much after the first few listens. Not compelling enough.
I was more interested in the “recording quality” of this cd.

What albums do you guys use to evaluate the capability of a system to reproduce the piano ?
#7 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 10:25

square_wave schrieb:
By MJQ you ,mean the Modern Jazz Quartet right ? Any particular album ?

I kinda like Bill Evans better than Keith Jarret. I have a cd by Ahmed Jamal which sounds good too.
This Koln Concert is one of the best selling Jazz albums till date but although I find it quite creative, I find I do not listen to it much after the first few listens. Not compelling enough.
I was more interested in the “recording quality” of this cd.

What albums do you guys use to evaluate the capability of a system to reproduce the piano ?

Albums like The Koln Concert, Nude Ants are a bit of an acquired taste IMHO, given their avant garde nature.

Having said that I would not write off Keith Jarrett, I urge you to sample his more conventional 'Standards' recordings- Standards vol 1,vol2,live,bye,bye blackbird...

All of the above feature the now classic standard trio - KJ on Piano, Gary Peacock on Bass and Jack DeJohnette on drums.

One more thing.Keith Jarrett has this unconcious but slightly irritating habit of tunelessly humming along while playing. This is quite audible in the recordings and can tend to be very disconcerting.

However once you get past that, you begin to appreciate the prodigious talent of the man.

I'm a fan!

[Beitrag von Krish am 01. Jul 2009, 10:50 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 12:00

ani schrieb:
Hi Bhaqwan,
Please note the key word "some" in my remarks about bookshelf speakers. Regarding your Bookshelf less said the better


I am in splits & rolling on the floor.....
jokes apart, you have never listened to my speakers or my set up !! A visit is more than over due !! What say ?

#9 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 16:09
I have the ECM CD of this performance. It's difficult for me to listen to in its entirety but whatever section I listen to, I, too, find this performance very creative. I cannot comprehend how somebody could make a solo piano recording to be so engaging.

One more thing.Keith Jarrett has this unconcious but slightly irritating habit of tunelessly humming along while playing. This is quite audible in the recordings and can tend to be very disconcerting.

LOL! very true tho'. These grunts are very audible in the Koln Concert & seem to take away from the music.

KJ is a hard artist to like. I have several more of his music mostly on LPs but I do not seem to like it as much as I probably would like to. I had more joy buying the LP than listening to it!

I have not heard the Koln concert in a long time on my present system; I should & hear how the piano sounds. Hopefully sooner than later.....
Ist häufiger hier
#10 erstellt: 01. Jul 2009, 20:35
KJ Koln Concert is very well done as I happened to listen to it 2 weeks back. I've the ECM 24K Japan CD (havent a clue if this is any superior to the Reg ECM). Personally, as others state, there are better & more engaging KJ albums...
#11 erstellt: 02. Jul 2009, 03:11

audio_engr schrieb:
I've the ECM 24K Japan CD (havent a clue if this is any superior to the Reg ECM). ..

Hey that is news to me..
I did not know that ECM had 'Japanese' Pressings...
How many such ECM's do you have ?
I have always found the CD made in Japan to be 'super' viz a viz CD pressed in Europe or elsewhere.
The other ones I like are those pressed by Nimbus - UK.
Ist häufiger hier
#12 erstellt: 03. Jul 2009, 16:11

bhagwan69 schrieb:
How many such ECM's do you have ?

Not many - just 3. Two of Keith Jarrett (Koln Concert & Changeless) & the last one's Making Music (John McLaughlin / Zakir Hussain). This CD does sound a lot warmer than the regular ECM.
#13 erstellt: 04. Jul 2009, 07:37
Hi square,

Yes mjq. If you want a mordern digital recording, its mjq at the lighthouse.

Analogue recordings just bring out the vibes of milt jackson so well :-), and connie kay on the drums was always perfect, his cymbal work is immaculate.

Find the one I have listed, mjq pyramid. Recorded around 1956-59 but musically its their best. Oh, the recording is good too.

#14 erstellt: 04. Jul 2009, 19:32

I forgot to mention

Desafinado by coleman hawkins. Lovely bossa nova and samba rhythms but played jazz style.

Quite awesome. Ideal for late night listening....shut the lights and listen away into the night.

#15 erstellt: 06. Jul 2009, 14:37
Great. will check it out.
I have two of Coleman Hawkins now.
1. Definitive coleman hawkins
2. The hawk flies high
I kinda like his style
#16 erstellt: 06. Jul 2009, 22:33

Manek schrieb:

Desafinado by coleman hawkins. Lovely bossa nova and samba rhythms but played jazz style.

Quite awesome. Ideal for late night listening....shut the lights and listen away into the night.


Concur w/ Manek! One would have thought that after listening to Stan Getz play Bossa Nova one would have heard THE master - not so! Coleman Hawkins plays the Bossa Nova his style & beautifully (not to take away anything from Stan Getz who has done an equally superb job on Bossa Nova tunes).
#17 erstellt: 07. Jul 2009, 05:32
And he is in no hurry to get anywhere quite unlike.the ones that go up and down the registers without making any music.

Foorsat mein bajaataa hai, hawkinsbhai.

Hat sich gelöscht
#18 erstellt: 07. Jul 2009, 06:21
If you listen to the Story about this Concert, told by M.Eicher himself, you will see that many Things goin wrong in the organisation of this Gig.
Including the wrong Piano!
And KJ says: i dont play it this way.
But finally he did. Good decision, i think
This Record whas the first to get in Touch with Jazz Musikc.
I whas 19 Y. old.But i leave this Way and went to Rock and Pop Music.
Now and the last 10 Years i come Back to Jazz Music, nore and more.
And the Köln Cocert is still here in my House, as CD and Black Gold from ECM ;-).
And every Time as i listen to the first Notes, im quickly jump back in Time and to the Poeple who are with me at this Time.


[Beitrag von MOKEL am 07. Jul 2009, 12:10 bearbeitet]
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