Audison amps for sale

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#1 erstellt: 30. Jul 2007, 10:20
Vr 209 Evolutione Limited edition
optikal 50% (some of the chrome is falling of :/ )
technikal 99% (a little peak lamp is missing, but the amp works totally fine)

Price: 330

Vrx 2.250 CS2 (with all extensions)
Optikal 99%
Technical 110%
when i bought it it costed around 1860€

Price: 1130 €

the amplifers are in Denmark

send me email for pictures of the amps

(plzz reply in english )

-- K.Ø.P._DK --

[Beitrag von K.Ø.P._[DK] am 30. Jul 2007, 10:37 bearbeitet]
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