“ monster power “ products

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#1 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 11:23
Hi Guys,
I ran into these “ monster power “ products while at the show. Monster is giving warranty for around 250,000 dollars or pounds equipment connected to them. They will repair/replace all equipment if anything happens to equipment worth so much if damaged by anything that passes through their “ power equipment “. They are basically huge extension cords with some PCB , Filter circuits built into them. Two models priced 11 and 17k.
Any thoughts ? Do these things affect sound quality ? Are these warranties for real ?
#2 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 11:48
Thats what they say ! i remember somewhere on the internet, someone had opened one such box only to find wires in series with a small circuit board and fuses.

#3 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 12:42

square_wave schrieb:
Hi Guys,
I Do these things affect sound quality ?
Are these warranties for real ?

I surely would never put anything in between my equipment and the wall socket !

I so not know about the Warranties, but Digimax is a 'sound' company & the owner a relaible fellow - well known to me !
Ist häufiger hier
#4 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 16:42
square wave can you give me the contact details of monster power products?

I think Monster Power AV600 surge protector will be usefull for me and it costs around 20 USD
#5 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 17:21
I have no clue dude. I ran into them at the show. I think the Jbl / Harman kardon showroom on Vittal Mallya road in Bangalore deals in monster cable. The Mumbai dealer seems to be Digimax. Bhagwan seems to know him.
#6 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 17:25
digimax are distrubutors for India methinks or maybe sole dealers for India. Digimax may have appointed dealers/sub-dealers for their products in india.

#7 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 17:32
Zemax India Inc. (formerly Digimax India) are the sole distributors of Monster products in India. They are based in Bombay.

You could call Bombay and find out who the Bangalore dealers are :

Contact Person : Mr. Panjwani
Zemax India
Tel : 022 - 23514035/6

#8 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 17:40
Oh....porbunderwalla is no longer the guy in charge ?

#9 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 17:48

square_wave schrieb:
Hi Guys,
I ran into these “ monster power “ products while at the show. Monster is giving warranty for around 250,000 dollars or pounds equipment connected to them. They will repair/replace all equipment if anything happens to equipment worth so much if damaged by anything that passes through their “ power equipment “. They are basically huge extension cords with some PCB , Filter circuits built into them. Two models priced 11 and 17k.
Any thoughts ? Do these things affect sound quality ? Are these warranties for real ?

Dear Square Wave,

According to Monster, the company asks you to register online immd after you have purchased the product. If the product is not registered then the warranty is void. The products mentioned by you are surge protectors, and not voltage stabilisers. They will also condition the AC line, reduce/eleminate digital noise. The same can be proved with an instrument called the "Doctor Power", its not just a marketing gimmick.
Although not a single case of equipment being damaged has been reported so far. Infact after selling hundreds of units in India only 1 piece had failed, ofcourse nothing happened to the equipment. I know this cause it happened with my client in Bangalore. The unit was then replaced and the client was also offered cash back for it.
The company is owned by Mr. Zareer and as mentioned by Bhagwan, he is a reliable guy.
Also, FYI i personally dont recommend these products as they degrade the sound quality.

#10 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 17:50

Manek schrieb:
Oh....porbunderwalla is no longer the guy in charge ?


Dear Manek,

Zareer Porbunderwalla is very much incharge and the owner.
Just didnt want to mention his contact no, as Panjwani takes care of marketing and sales.

#11 erstellt: 29. Jan 2007, 18:03
Oh OK...tks.
#12 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 09:45
The name of the company has changed ?
I was under the impression that ZP's company was Digimax ?
So a new name now.
Sounds cool !

All the best to him & Monster.

#13 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 09:49
Thanks SNV for the info.

Sq wave
#14 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 10:08

bhagwan69 schrieb:
The name of the company has changed ?
I was under the impression that ZP's company was Digimax ?
So a new name now.
Sounds cool !

All the best to him & Monster.


Dear Bhagwan,

I believe the importing company remains Digimax India and the company distributing Monster is now Zemax India, both ofcourse owned by ZP.

#15 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 10:49
I forgot to ask;
How was Times AV in Bangalore ?

Did you take part ? Response to Cyrus ?

Was the Show nice ?
#16 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 12:12

bhagwan69 schrieb:
I forgot to ask;
How was Times AV in Bangalore ?

Did you take part ? Response to Cyrus ?

Was the Show nice ?

Dear Bhagwan,

I couldnt have possibly participated in the show. IMO, it is plain ridiculous that we are being taken for granted by such conmen. They are simply ripping the distibutors.
The quality of av shows have detiorated to levels beyond my acceptance. Every where around the world shows happen once a year and they are bigger & better year after year, atleast an effort to do so.
Its totally the other way round here in India. Times organised 3 shows in one calender year. From a 5 star hotel with demo rooms, it is now a non air conditioned stadium, with obviously no demo rooms.
Mr. Manish (the organiser) is only interested in making money. FYI quite a few products were stolen at the expo on the 1st night as there was no adequate security cover provided.
Everyone complained about the inadequate security measures on the 2nd day and only then were some guards placed at the venue, as Manish was warned that he would have to pay for any more losses incurred by the distributors.
Guess what, on the 2nd day there was pigeon shit all over the equipment that was displayed. Times expo charges the same amount for a 5 star and a stadium.
I was in Bangalore, but as a visitor. The show was nothing great, but atleast some awareness is created to enlighten people about the brands that are now available in India.
I believe Cyrus is a brand that needs to be "heard" rather than "seen". I will participate only if the expo is in a 5 star with demo rooms.

#17 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 12:19

SNV schrieb:

bhagwan69 schrieb:
I forgot to ask;
How was Times AV in Bangalore ?

Did you take part ? Response to Cyrus ?

Was the Show nice ?

I believe Cyrus is a brand that needs to be "heard" rather than "seen". I will participate only if the expo is in a 5 star with demo rooms.


I pray AV Max has a show in Bombay - That too in a 5 start Hotel and gives us demo rooms.
I would love to see you and other distributors there.
March is a good month for audio shows - after the budget - lower prices - fresh interest.
I do hope some one from AV max looks at this forum.

P.S. Do you have a dealer in Bombay that carries Cyrus & Ecosse ? If some one wants to go for a listen ?
#18 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 12:34
Dear Bhagwan,

AvMax is infact planning a show in Bombay sometime mid this year.
It is going to be in a 5 star hotel with demo rooms. I intend to participate there.

I am still in talks with a few of your friends in Bombay. Hopefully by the end of
this month there should be one selling Cyrus & Ecosse.

#19 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 12:37

SNV schrieb:
Dear Bhagwan,

I am still in talks with a few of your friends in Bombay. Hopefully by the end of
this month there should be one selling Cyrus & Ecosse.


Perfect !

All the best !

That is great news;

I would love to drop by for a listen.
Do keep me posted.
#20 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 12:39

SNV schrieb:
Dear Bhagwan,

AvMax is infact planning a show in Bombay sometime mid this year.
It is going to be in a 5 star hotel with demo rooms. I intend to participate there.

That is great news.
I do hope I am in town. The show should not be in May - June [I will miss it then].
I shall speak with Nishant & find out what the plans are ?

What happened to AV Max Award Function ? Have the dates been finalised ?
#21 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 12:56
Dear Bhagwan,

The award issue is generally the one after the nomination issue of AvMax,
but this time they will announce the awards sometime in Feb and the same will
be featured in the March issue.
The date for the awards show has not yet been finalised.
Im sure Nishant will invite you.

#22 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 17:07
Monster power products are sold my Music Ranch in Blore.

Bhagwan69 wrote:

I surely would never put anything in between my equipment and the wall socket !

If direct to the wall is the best then why do people go for power conditioners ??? I wonder which solution is more audiophilic...
#23 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 17:37
Dear abhi.pani,

Well, if one is looking at power conditioners then i would recommend Isotek over Monster. Isotek products are far better than Monster.

#24 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 17:46

SNV schrieb:
Dear abhi.pani,

Well, if one is looking at power conditioners then i would recommend Isotek over Monster. Isotek products are far better than Monster.


SNV Sir,
My question is not "Which Power conditioner ?" but its more like "Whether Power conditioner or Direct to mains ?"
#25 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 19:03
I think power-conditioners are OK for source & pre-amp but not for power amp which should be connected directly to wall-socket.
#26 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 19:49
in my experience, in places like singapore, where quality of power is really good, power conditioners have no noticeable impact, but in India it does provide great benefits.

All components benefit from clean power and the only reason power amps may not sound so great is if the dynamic rating of teh amp exceede the conditioner and hence input power gets constricted.

maybe someone like amp_nut can clarify, but if i remember right the output current from an amp is the input current as a function of the "control signal" which is the output of the source/preamp and hence if the input power itself is dirty then so will the output be.

of course for the really well designed components the PSU is so well designed that the effect of dirty power is neutralised to a great extent....but those are ereally expensive components.

I would ideally like to put a setup where the audio system is driven off pure sinewave regenerators, out of Car/truck batteries being charged offline...but then they cost about as much as a speaker/Amp !!
#27 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 20:07

abhi.pani schrieb:

SNV schrieb:
Dear abhi.pani,

Well, if one is looking at power conditioners then i would recommend Isotek over Monster. Isotek products are far better than Monster.


SNV Sir,
My question is not "Which Power conditioner ?" but its more like "Whether Power conditioner or Direct to mains ?" :)

abhi.pani sir,

Well, yes one should opt for a power conditioner instead of direct to mains. But again it depends on a lot of factors. Firstly the pedigree of the equipment.
Good quality power conditioners are not exactly cheap, so i wouldnt recommend them for economical set ups. If one has a set up running into a couple of lacs then certainly one could look at buying a conditioner.
Also, i think that it should be given the least priority. Firstly ofcourse the hardware, then cables & interconnects and then the conditioner.
As mentioned earlier, they condition the AC line and eliminate the digital noise from the supply.
I remember of a thread not so long ago, where members shared that they find their hifi setups sound better in the night. Well it is because there is adequate power in the night and lot less corrupt.
UK is worse than India, when it comes to clean power.

#28 erstellt: 30. Jan 2007, 20:11
abhi.pani said :

If direct to the wall is the best then why do people go for power conditioners ??? I wonder which solution is more audiophilic...

1. Theoritically, any thing ( even every extra inch of cable length ) between the Wall and the device will carry with it, some penalty.

2. That said - surge suppressors and power conditioners / filters do also bring something to the table.

The question then is : Do you gain more from 2 than loose in 1 ?

That, I believe is a question that is equipment dependent.

As a general rule of thumb, Valve Amplification usually has Powers Supplies that are less prone to Mains garbage ( better filteration / power supplies )

Also mains hash seems to have a less pronounced effect on Power Amps than on small signal generation ( CD Players ) and amplification ( pre amps ) equipment.

Ofcourse there are Solid State Amps, ( and VERY HEFTY ONES too ) that completely re-generate their power before using it....

Just my 2cents...
#29 erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, 07:08
Thanks to all, that was really informative...unfortunately (or say fortunately ) I have not yet heard the difference in sound that a power cable or a power conditioner can bring in, as yet I havent got the opportunity to compare these elements of an audio chain.

But this statement was quite assertive:

Also, i think that it should be given the least priority. Firstly ofcourse the hardware, then cables & interconnects and then the conditioner.

That gives me the freedom not to think hard about all this immediately...
#30 erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, 09:08
i slightly differ on this and if one already has a decent IC/Speaker cable..would prefer a power conditioner than a cable upgrade ! have seen the effect uncean power affect the sound a lot..
#31 erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, 09:48
I only put the following in my power line :-

a] Servo Voltage Stabilizer
b] Ultra Issolation Transformer
c] Good quality Power Cords


a & b will stop any 'spike' from going through & clean up my neutral [earth].
c I need for RF Shielding. Power Cords need to be shielded, else they affect the signal that goes inside IC's and Speaker Cables.

Not with standing, I have auditioned several power conditioners at different places and they do make a 'difference'. The million dollar question is do you want that 'difference' to be created ?
Of all I have heard, I liked a particular one from Yugoslavia - Dezorel. Really a nice product. Would have gone for it, but my electronics manufacturer strongly advocates nothing between wall socket & components. Hence, I am still without it.
#32 erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, 13:03
Hi Bhagwan,
Which servo stabilizer do you use ?
#33 erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, 14:28

square_wave schrieb:
Hi Bhagwan,
Which servo stabilizer do you use ?

Both are from a Company called Ktykard. Chennai based. This is 3 years old.

But, I got a small one made [2.5 KVA] from APLab. Really a great product. I recommend it very very strongly. Only 32 K for it. Full VFM.
AP Lab is Andheri based - Mumbai. Has a web site too. Great company & brilliant products & fabulous build quality.
Ist häufiger hier
#34 erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, 16:12
Rs.32,000 for a 2.5KVA Single phase Servo Stabilizer ?

Is there a typo error ? Seems to be way expensive.

#35 erstellt: 31. Jan 2007, 16:57
We get an audiophile grade (modified according to advice by some seasoned audiophiles out here) 2 kva single phase Servo stabilizer by vertex industries for around 10k in Bangalore.
#36 erstellt: 01. Feb 2007, 08:19

Behram schrieb:
Rs.32,000 for a 2.5KVA Single phase Servo Stabilizer ?

Is there a typo error ? Seems to be way expensive.


How I wish it was a typo;
But, it is not. I have paid 32 K for it.

It is 1/4th the capacity in KVA to the 10 KVA one I already have, but it is 2 times as big and 3 times as heavy. I wonder why.
It looks fully worth every peny I paid for it. Weight is 85 KGS. It has to be seen to be believed. Wonderful looking thing. Have not connected it as yet, will do so next month.


I recommend this very highly.
#37 erstellt: 01. Feb 2007, 08:22

square_wave schrieb:
We get an audiophile grade (modified according to advice by some seasoned audiophiles out here) 2 kva single phase Servo stabilizer by vertex industries for around 10k in Bangalore.

That is a free deal;
Can you shed some light on the product & its source ?
It would be appreciated.

P.S. The AP Lab is an official full bill purchase - so 16 % is Excise & 12.5 % is VAT. Hence 28 % is just the tax component. Hence the price is so high. Without all that [un organised sector] it would be about Rs. 20 to 25 K.
Ist häufiger hier
#38 erstellt: 01. Feb 2007, 09:14


No wonder, its not a Servo stabilizer, its a switching stabilizer. Do audio equipments really require this grade of a unit ?

An ARGO (reputed brand) 2KVA servo controlled stabilizer with AC synchronous motor with switch ON delay and under-over voltage protection costs Rs.9000 with all taxes.

#39 erstellt: 01. Feb 2007, 09:18
Dear Behram,


This is a Servo Stabilizer + Ultra Issolation Transformer built in 1 chasis with internal seperation.
I wanted it like this. I had it made to spec. Other wise it comes in 2 seperate chasis.

Argo is good, but in no way is the build quality anywhere close to the Aplab.
You should come over to see it. I will tell you after it is installed. You will be invited and shall be most welcome.
Ist häufiger hier
#40 erstellt: 01. Feb 2007, 09:27
Dear Bhagwan,

Thanks for the invitation. It sure looks a small Godrej storewell from the photograph. In contrast ARGO is a small box though weighing 25 kgs.

I was just quoting from the website you provided.

Look forward to seeing it in operation.

#41 erstellt: 01. Feb 2007, 10:22
I lost the guy’s phone number.
You can get in touch with Prithvi / Absolute phase. He is the official stockist. The vertex guys were with Krykard before they split.
The specs are similar to what Behram mentioned for the Argo unit but have some critical parts changed according to
advice from Prithvi and others.
#42 erstellt: 15. Jun 2007, 16:46

Power Cables are for sale.

2M Long. Indian 3 Pin Plugs of British Origin.
4 Power Cables are available.

Van den Hul

Manufacturer: Van den Hul

Description: The MAINSSTREAM HYBRID has been specially designed bearing uncompromised mains power distribution to high-end audio, video and professional equipment in mind and is able to deliver a virtually unlimited stream of low noise mains power.

-A unique embedded powerline noise suppression filter.
-A very high continuous current capacity and a maximum transparency with regards to instantaneously drawn current surges.
-Strong shielding against in and outwards radiation of electromagnetic and radio frequency interference.
-Heavy conductors and shield of the high quality also found in our loudspeaker cables.
-Extreme ruggedness and therefore a very long lifespan.
2m in length

Length: 2m

Usual Price: £249.99

Discount Price: £224.99
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