Tony Rice Unit concert.

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#1 erstellt: 30. Jul 2010, 16:08
I had the opportunity to see the Tony Rice Unit in concert last night. The concert was part of the EMF Fringe series (EMF = Eastern Music Festival that runs from last week of June to end of July is mainly western classical music live performances at diff venues in the town). The EMF Fringe series brings artists of other genres into the mix usually at some smaller venues & often in the downtown theatres like the one last evening. The theatre being small allowed us to be about 20' from the performers. Really up-close-and-personal, which is the best part of this theatre. A couple years ago I had seen Doyle Bramhall (who plays with the venerable Eric Clapton) in concert here in this same hall. Once the concert is over, the downtown restaurants & night-life is humming so one can go out to dinner/cocktails, etc, etc after the concert. It can be a fun evening....

For those who do not know, Tony Rice is considered to be a Bluegrass flat-picking legend (plays the acoustic guitar). See his bio here: Tony Rice Bio

& you can click on the "discogrphy" link to see some of his CDs. I have 1 of CDs so far "Unit Of Measure". It's blue-grassy but not too much. His ability to flat-pick an acoustic guitar comes thru very well. Some of the tracks are very soulful.

Some pix of the band from last evening's concert are also attached

[Beitrag von bombaywalla am 30. Jul 2010, 16:16 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 30. Jul 2010, 16:14

Ricky Simpkins on the Fiddle, Josh Willians on the mandolin, Tony Rice himself (in suit) on acoustic guitar & brother Wyatt Rice on rhythum guitar. The bassist (an accomplished & good-looking lady!) is hidden behind Tony Rice.

The lady bassist. She was given plenty of solos the entire evening & did not disappoint. She's been playing the stand-up bass for the last 12 years & I forgot how long with the Tony Rice Unit.

The master himself on a solo.
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