HIFI-FORUM » English » Stereo (Engl.) » Indian Meet | |
Indian Meet+A -A |
Autor |
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Stammgast |
#1 erstellt: 29. Mai 2006, 12:26 | |||
Trying to work out a meet for Indian manufacturers and DIY bravehearts;spoke to some guys and they seem keen.What do the forum members think of an informal,serious listening and discussions type, get together with regards to this proposal? Regards Deaf. |
Inventar |
#2 erstellt: 29. Mai 2006, 13:49 | |||
Good idea. Where ? |
Inventar |
#3 erstellt: 29. Mai 2006, 15:29 | |||
I think it's a bloody good idea. I'm neither a DIYer nor a manufacturer but am sure it will prove fruitful. |
Stammgast |
#4 erstellt: 29. Mai 2006, 16:09 | |||
here are some of my thoughts aimed to provide contructive feedback: To make this informal/serious meeting actually take place & be somewhat successful, (1) when you write "Indian manuf" do you mean companies making finished products like Cadence Speakers? OR do you mean DIY parts manuf/importers? (2) what would be the objective of bringing together the DIYers & Indian audio manuf? Would you like the Indian manuf to find out how many DIYers actually exist & make their own gear? OR, would you like the DIYers do get to see how many looser Indian manuf actually exist? OR, Would you like the DIYers to meet the Indian manuf & provide them feedback to make their products better? (& will the Indian manuf care/listen? They haven't in the USA, which is a bigger market!) The reason I pose this question is 'cuz the DIY is inherently (vehemently) opposed to manuf of finished audio products! That's just the nature of the core DIYer - his principal motivation to become a DIYer. They want to design/make higher end products from piece parts at much lower cost. Some of the DIYers here are bloody good @ this & their finished product can compete quite well in the open market. So, I cannot see what these 2 groups would have to share/in-common? (3) what would this meeting provide that, say, the Times AV Show, AVMax Show do not provide? Now, now, don't jump on me! I'm not saying that the above mentioned shows are the paragon of shows; however, they do provide the interface between end-user & manuf (domestic + international) in an environment all set-up by some organizing committee. The short-comings of these shows is shared world-wide w/ the likes of CES, Frankfurt show, London show & others in SE Asia - everybody always cribs about the poor sonics in hotel rooms! So, what's new? It's a hell of a lot of work to set up such shows & "deaf" would know this 1st-hand! (4) Is there any objective to target a certain specialty area such vacuum tubes only? OR, solid-state only? OR computer-based audio only? that would motivate the intended groups of people to get together? If you are trying to start a BOM Audio Society club where you have 1 meeting/month where DIYers &/or Indian manuf speak to a hobby audience & demo their projects/products resp then I think that you might have a better suited idea. The club would have paid subscription members that would allow you to invite guests (Indian manuf, local DIYers, out-of-town DIYers passing thru BOM or coming to BOM specifically) to speak at the monthly meetings. Hopefully you'll find people who are not greedy for money & will spare some time to talk to a bunch of audio enthusiasts & hobbists. It'll also get other audiophiles scattered around BOM to meet one another & create a network. FWIW. IMHO. <hopefully I understood your question correctly! if not, ignore my post!> |
Inventar |
#5 erstellt: 29. Mai 2006, 19:10 | |||
Hi Deaf, GO FOR It. You have my commitment, support and subscription However, do heed Bombaywalla's Very Rational advice. Cheers |
Stammgast |
#6 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 03:11 | |||
My support to deaf, just go for it. |
Inventar |
#7 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 03:22 | |||
Hey Deaf, am there ....where is this going to be? |
Stammgast |
#8 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 04:26 | |||
good idea... One thing that this might provide that other shows cannot to a large extent is the informal atmosphere required for manufs, DIYers and listeners to mingle freely over a mug of beer (hopefully beer's on the cards ) |
Stammgast |
#9 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 05:16 | |||
Great idea! But, can noobs like me tag along? |
Inventar |
#10 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 06:30 | |||
I am game; Which City ? Mumbai ? When ? Location [house or restaurant] ? Do count on me, I would like to attend. Great idea - deaf !!! |
Ist häufiger hier |
#11 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 07:02 | |||
sounds like a good idea, but, as bombaywalla says the objective should be clear before starting out. I live in hyderabad so if its in bombay it will be kind of hard for me to attend. regards chandrsekhar |
Stammgast |
#12 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 07:04 | |||
Firstly I would like to state that I have been working on this idea for some time, and only have the support of some DIYers and manufactures on word only.All other details such as financial support and venues, timings etc have to be worked out.The concept is to share info with each other on all platforms,so that the Indian industry can grow in thought process at its grassroots.This is the way the Danes achieve success.They may compete, but ideas are shared and mutual respect sees to it that the competetion is always healty.I hope to bring something similar from this event. Western companies will enter India for manufacturing in the next half decade,only a knowledgable base will encourage them to do so faster and more confidently.Even if they dont,I want a team of talented young Indians to be created, who I many other middle aged audio chaps can guide in terms of design and manufacturing, that should be able to take on the best in the world in the next 10-15 years.To many this might sound like a lofty pipe dream, but I dream it every day.I am encouraged by the forum support and will work to make this idea happen. Regards Deaf.h |
Inventar |
#13 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 11:51 | |||
Count me in Deaf. Why dont we all or atleast some of us meet up somewhere(maybe a restaurant or some place) where we can discuss this idea and give it shape and form ? Then get volunteers to split the work and make this happen. Why must only deaf talk to manufacturers ?...why can we as consumers also talk to the dealers we bought our equipments from and spread the word ? its all for the betterment of the hobby we all love. What say you guys ? What say you deaf...would you like a helping hand ? Would you guys like to help in making this a success or atleast give it shot ? Manek. |
Inventar |
#14 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 14:53 | |||
hey all..am full enthu for the meet...but i guess we will have to have two meets...a bangalore and a mumbai chapter.. what say? |
Stammgast |
#15 erstellt: 30. Mai 2006, 15:54 | |||
here we go! it's already beginning to fall apart! what about the audiophiles in Madras, Calcutta, Hyderabad, New Delhi? They'll want to pipe in just like you & want local chapters!! Let's start another thread & bicker about where the location for these meetings should be? Isn't that a good idea? All of us have nothing better to do, n'cest pa? |
Stammgast |
#16 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 06:14 | |||
lets have the meet in Goa or Ooty or some such place...neutral location plus a vacation to boot...could score high on the WAF as well |
Stammgast |
#17 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 07:11 | |||
Lets start the Mumbai chapter first and then take it from there, instead of different places. Those who are serious can go to Mumbai. |
Inventar |
#18 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 07:31 | |||
Sounds GREAT, Prithvi ... I am from Mumbai, so it works well for me I have the following suggestion ( if I may ) Rather than embarking on a complete show, what say we consider one of these4 opitions, to get the ball rolling : OPTION 1: Have a local disty / retailer declare an "Open House" at his out let, for forum members and their friends at a specific day and time. Let him demo whatever he likes. This would be along the lines of a "Wine & Cheese" get togther that is often hosted by dealers in the US, for their regular customers, when they receive new, noteworthy equipment. In such a case, other commercial members of the forum too can attend, but should NOT canvas their wares, at the meet. ( they can host and promote their own, at another similar meeting ) OPTION 2 One or more commercial members could take a room or rooms at a hotel / venue and provide a collective demo of their stuff. Could include for example, an amp and anopther speaker manufacturer, who's products offer synergies .... Forum members should actively contribute to this by inviting and getting in as many as possible potential CUSTOMERs who plan to buy shortly... to attend the demos. OPTION 3 Forum member contribute ( MONEY in the form of a ticket ) equally, to book a venue, with snacks and drinks, and invite manufacturers / local retailers to provide a demo, during that get-together. OPTION 4 A forum member could invite other forum members to his house. The practice to continue in rotation, eg once a month, at different member's houses. The above suggestions are just to get the ball rolling. Ofcourse if you have an alternate working idea, GRRREAT ! What say, deaf & others ? |
Inventar |
#19 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 08:33 | |||
whoa!.hang on a sec, that's not what i implied..not at all..but u have to acknowledge that majority are from Bangalore and Mumbai... but i guess something needs to be worked out...and prithvi its not like who's serious will come to Mumbai...situational varaibles influence our decisions....many of us may not be able to go to mumbai..maybe folks in Mumbai and in otehr places can discuss upon a common strategy , and as Manek suggested, they could meet in Mumbai and try to work out a solution to ensure maximum participation... i remmber a while back that a similar thing was tried in diyaudio.com.. a meeting of all Indian DIY members was called in bangalore ,Malleswaram...but the meet turned out to be a damper..only 3 people turned up and that too the meeting place chosen was not conducive for a discussion. and the worst part was taht it was so corwded that i could not identify them and had to go home without meeting them..i did not have a contact unumber either.. so i guess, u guys who are planning this need to take some time deciding how this will be done.. |
Stammgast |
#20 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 09:10 | |||
Ampnut, Ur suggestions are great . However option -3 might not work, rest of the options are great. I am open to any of them. However we must make it very clear that we are serious in what we want to do. We do not want any time wasters. We love audio, music and that what we all forum members have a passion of. Sachi, as mentiond agreed that there are a lot of variables, but lets atleast take the first step to start this thing before it even grows. We do not want to have too many chapters. I know all of us cannot go to Mumbai but if we make our mind up I am sure there will be a lot of guys. As most of them are from Bangalore & Mumbai, having this at both places will be great. In the end it must be a pleasureable even not a boring one. For Starters I can invite Jacob George (Designer of Rethm) to come and demo his 2nd rethms and do a talk on his products and in general on horn loudspeakers). We can hire a small hall and charge a small entry fee, just to cover the costs of eatables. Deaf can do something similar in Mumbai, he has a lot of contacts and I am sure he will do it, if you all give some support too. We all have to contribute something to make this a success: A good idea will be that each forum member gets one new person who seems interested in audio to the meet, that way we will have introduced our wonderful world of audio & music to some new people. Any ideas from you guys are welcome . More suggestions will be great. |
Inventar |
#21 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 09:45 | |||
Interesting. I am looking forward to this. I like option 1 and 2 by Amp_nut. This is one fantastic opportunity to hear and discuss good gear without the usual “show crowd” hanging around. Talks by Jacob George or even experienced audiophiles will be great. We could have talks on specific aspects of audio which could help explode myths and help aspiring audiophiles to effectively assemble systems. |
Inventar |
#22 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 10:22 | |||
opinions are flowing but deaf seems to be absent... DEAF.....where are you pal ? Manek. |
Stammgast |
#23 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 18:17 | |||
Sorry dudes, the net connection was down earlier in the day.Ok firstly the concept was INDIAN only,but as Ampnut suggests it could grow.The point was to get guys like DNM, TORVIN, Viren, Sonodyne, Cadence?(Siltech),Nempee and a host of others,along with the DIY dudes.Manek I need help big time, but it is better if it is done as a community as you suggested.Wherever the show is held, it would help if some forum members could put up, out of station dudes in their houses, just to shack up for the night,as a bed is all that is needed, since the rest of the day will be audio time. Hence cost is minimised to travelling only. Firstly lets meet up, as Manek suggests,your call for the time and place Manek,lets get ball rolling. Regards Deaf. |
Stammgast |
#24 erstellt: 31. Mai 2006, 21:34 | |||
I'm in for a meet in mumbai, how about this weekend? Regards, Satyam. |
Inventar |
#25 erstellt: 01. Jun 2006, 04:40 | |||
This weekend sounds good to me.....Satyam. Deaf how about we meet at your commercial establishment for first time, Saturday or Sunday ? What say you guys ? Any other places more suitable ? Manek. |
Inventar |
#26 erstellt: 01. Jun 2006, 05:01 | |||
Hey Guys, I'd LOVE to be there too. Can U please PM me the Mumbai address, Day and time ? |
Inventar |
#27 erstellt: 01. Jun 2006, 05:35 | |||
I'm in. Just tell me where and when! |
Stammgast |
#28 erstellt: 01. Jun 2006, 14:14 | |||
Are noobs allowed? I'm from mumbai too. |
Stammgast |
#29 erstellt: 01. Jun 2006, 17:05 | |||
yes, ONLY after you noobs are PROPERLY initialized! The Central Committee for Initalizing Newbies, headed by Deaf, Manek & others, is working on the correct procedures to be administered! Actually, that's what's taking so long (& not finding a venue & a speaker. Truth be told! ) |
Ist häufiger hier |
#30 erstellt: 01. Jun 2006, 19:00 | |||
Hi, If newbies are allowed, count me in. Am in Mumbai too. Advance warning: can only listen- not contribute since I dont even have a quarter-cent worth of knowledge compared to all the gents here! CKN |
Stammgast |
#31 erstellt: 01. Jun 2006, 19:12 | |||
Sunday sounds good. Satyam. |
Inventar |
#32 erstellt: 01. Jun 2006, 19:22 | |||
you mean everyone to be C-CIN certified |
Inventar |
#33 erstellt: 02. Jun 2006, 04:52 | |||
good one bombaywalla So guys where do we meet ? deaf does seems to have disappeared again. Would some place like a Macdonald, KFC be better so we can all meet, pig out and bore the crap out of the other customers and make 'em run away and have the place to ourselves ? I need to see some options people ! Manek. |
Inventar |
#34 erstellt: 02. Jun 2006, 04:53 | |||
Oh by the way...noobs more than welcome ! |
Stammgast |
#35 erstellt: 02. Jun 2006, 05:20 | |||
Wokay! Thanks. I would love to come. Hope to learn loads from all you experts. |
Inventar |
#36 erstellt: 02. Jun 2006, 06:28 | |||
But, ARE we meeting 2morrow ??? NO signs of that ! |
Inventar |
#37 erstellt: 02. Jun 2006, 08:35 | |||
Yeah we could mneet up tomorrow but....is there any point in meeting without deaf ? He doesnt seem to be around...maybe his internet connection is troubling him again. Manek. |
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei |
#38 erstellt: 05. Jun 2006, 13:28 | |||
So did you guys meet up? I'm from Mumbai and would like to join in. Please publish the venue and time when the elders have conferrd and agreed on the schedule |
Inventar |
#39 erstellt: 05. Jun 2006, 14:13 | |||
Nope we did not meet up as Deaf is not around and since it is his idea we wanted deaf to be part of our first meeting. It makes no sense deciding on things when the idea ariginator is not around. We have to arrive at a game plan together. Manek. |
Stammgast |
#40 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 06:09 | |||
Sorry Dudes I really am.Manek let us meet up this weekend near Bandra as that is a central kind of location.You decide the time and venue as you are the moderator and know that area better for pigging out.All dudes are welcome,I'll try to rope in some industry people if possible. Regards Deaf. |
Inventar |
#41 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 06:40 | |||
Deaf is back ! nice nice..... ...does the weekend sound good ? Deaf, being moderator does not give me the authority to choose a meeting place.. Lets have a consensus....Bandra OK with you guys ? any other options like Prabhadevi, Colaba ? Manek. |
Inventar |
#42 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 07:05 | |||
Bandra sounds fine. JATC? |
Stammgast |
#43 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 08:31 | |||
So we'll be meeting for lunch or something? So I don't get to listen to any cool setups? |
Stammgast |
#44 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 09:42 | |||
Bandra sounds great, do keep us updated Manek. Satyam. |
Inventar |
#45 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 09:49 | |||
So bandra seems to be the meeting place of choice so far.... Any more suggestions guys ? Satyam keep checking this thread for the latest updates. Manek. |
Stammgast |
#46 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 02:39 | |||
Have great fun guys. Cheers Siva. |
Inventar |
#47 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 05:22 | |||
Since there are no other meeting place options Bandra it is. JATC sounds great. What time to we meet ? Manek. |
Inventar |
#48 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 05:24 | |||
Sunday, what time? |
Inventar |
#49 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 05:28 | |||
Saturday or Sunday ? |
Stammgast |
#50 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 06:11 | |||
Saturday is better I think.Lunch time,so I think 12.30 onwards.What say? Regards Deaf. |
Inventar |
#51 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 06:23 | |||
I'm all for Saturday, lunch time! So, Saturday it is? Let's close this. Saturday, JATC, 12: 30 PM. All in favour say "Aye!" |
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