Invite to join "THE INDIAN AUDIOPHILE FORUM" on Yahoo groups.

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#1 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 09:04

Some of our members did not like the idea of a hifi forum with my company name, hence I have created a new yahoo group that is:-

The Indian Audiophile Forum.


Now all of us can join the forum. Lets keep this community going on & on.By the way the credit for the new forum must be given to Shahruk. Thanks for the name Shahruk.


#2 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 09:11
Gret agoing Prithvi..
..but we need some rules and regulations..
what abt MOderators /...
whop decides who is going to be the moderator..
i feel a fair representation of the Indian Audiophile community must be provided on this new forum.
What say you?

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 17. Feb 2006, 09:12 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 09:36
Hey Sachi,
Chill out. The baby has just been born and you are already telling it which school/college to go to. Lets get the group going in the first place then we can decide on the other factors.

Its a group for audio /video in all forms. We do not want any politics to happen. Havee a beer man

take one step at a time.

I repeat that we are not forcing anyone to join or not to join. The decision to join the group is left to the members.


#4 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 09:42
agreed..but we donot want the cat fights taht we had on these forums to show their ugly heads in the new forum do we..
Its better that we lay down some ground rules for the forum in the inception so that the sanctity is maintained. let's not go for the pacth work system where we bring in rules when the damage has been done.
for instance, we seem to have lost Big Ears in all the melee that took place here...
We also had some members taking swipes on a personal note on otehr members and then haing replied back in kind..
Such an atmosphere must not prevail in the new forum.
If it does then it will keep people away from the forum..
the idea is to grow wit h the present band of brothers and sign up more ....
#5 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 09:42
In the search box in Yahoo groups, you must type :"TheIndianAudiophileForum" & press enter to get the group page. Do not leave any gaps, if you do the group will not show up.

We want the entire Indian Audiophile community to be on this group. So lets start getting in new members. If Each past member pulls in anywhere from 1-5 new members then our tribe will increase.

Imagine all we members able to sell/upgrade our equipment to members within this small community! WoW. Many of us can help each other in either buying or selling or giving advice etc. The more the merrier.

Guys who have a boom box to guys who have exotic stuff are all welcome.
#6 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 10:54
Hi Prithvi,
I suggest you also post your invitation on the Surround section. There are quite a few audio enthusiast out there.
They may miss your invitation if they dont login to the Stereo forum even by chance.....
#7 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 12:02
Hey Prithvi,

I searched the yahoo groups but did not come accross the group!
Ist häufiger hier
#8 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 13:04
hi guys,

easier way to go the group and join is as below

Click on join the group. guess the mail goes to the present moderator who will approve (!!)

hope this helps

#9 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 13:16

gbharani schrieb:
hi guys,

easier way to go the group and join is as below

Click on join the group. guess the mail goes to the present moderator who will approve (!!)

hope this helps


Everyone will be approved, no one will be left out. This is our forum for us Indians, no caste, no creed, no colour, no budget, everyone who likes audio or anything got to do with it are welcome.
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