Blackburn-TechTube Valves

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#1 erstellt: 06. Jul 2009, 14:45

At long last the valves are available.

Some of the members of the H.J.Leak and Quad Yahoo groups have ordered some and will be posting their listening results soon.

The prices are close to what a good NOS Ecc83 tubes seem to be going for on Ebay.After all the fanfare and hype I hope they turn out to be good.

#2 erstellt: 07. Jul 2009, 03:36
Cross your fingers....
#3 erstellt: 07. Jul 2009, 07:10
While we are at ECC83/12AX7 tubes....I bought a pair of rare NOS Raytheon 5751 Black Plate with Windmill Getter tubes for my preamp. And you know what....they are OUTSTANDING!!!!
They are a replacement of 12AX7 tubes but far far cleaner and a way more precise sound. The soundstage is deeper, wider yet exceptionally precise. There is transparency of a different level all together. The tubes didnt come cheap but once you listen to them you know they are gems.

But...this has come at a time when I am selling my preamp .
#4 erstellt: 07. Jul 2009, 11:02

But...this has come at a time when I am selling my preamp .

Lucky Guy who buys your Pre ... with these tubes !
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