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#101 erstellt: 15. Aug 2009, 12:05

Gotcha.....but has he started selling current prod stuff ?

I wonder if ebay india has a sweet deal or two ?

I wish someone would start to sell current prod models at reasonable prices, or is there one already ?

Even the EH line of tubes here cost an arm and a leg or atleast that was the case earlier.

the only valve amp maker/retailer I know of who also keeps a nice alternative or two for his equipment is viren.

#102 erstellt: 15. Aug 2009, 13:43

Manek schrieb:

Gotcha.....but has he started selling current prod stuff ?

I wonder if ebay india has a sweet deal or two ?

he sourced it for i guess he does.

BTW 2 sites i found pretty good to deal with internationally are
3. (They do not have all the brands listed, but you need to ask them about the availability and they will get back)
#103 erstellt: 15. Aug 2009, 14:00
Yes I am aware of these sites. Tks. Uncle kevin at upscale audio keeps a good stash but a bit expensive. He is known to do very effective testing hence......very nice guy to correspond with.

#104 erstellt: 18. Okt 2009, 04:54
Any interesting tubes any of you guys have found lately or new tube sources ?

#105 erstellt: 18. Okt 2009, 06:42
I was recomended the Russian equivalent of the 6L6GC. called the 6N3C-e by Reflector. Found it at not only are they less than 1/2 the price of the "Audiophile" grades. they perform better too. have them running on my system now.
#106 erstellt: 18. Okt 2009, 19:57
That's cool.

Actually, i have been recently toying around with the standard sylvania 6sn7 and the vt-231 jan versions. Earlier I hadn't bothered with using a different rectifier with the jan version since both of them sounded almost identical with the ez80. Then a few days back I just decided to put in the jan set not realising the ez81 was in and wow ! Its got a little extra of everything !
The difference between the commercial and JAN issue is very audible. Definately more smack, upper freq extension yet retaining its other good qualities. My brimar and kenrad black glass are going to stay packed for a while :-)

Guys with 6sn7's, you should try out this combo. Especially if you have virens amp.


[Beitrag von Manek am 18. Okt 2009, 20:20 bearbeitet]
#107 erstellt: 18. Okt 2009, 20:51

Manek schrieb:
That's cool.

Actually, i have been recently toying around with the standard sylvania 6sn7 and the vt-231 jan versions. Earlier I hadn't bothered with using a different rectifier with the jan version since both of them sounded almost identical with the ez80. Then a few days back I just decided to put in the jan set not realising the ez81 was in and wow ! Its got a little extra of everything !
The difference between the commercial and JAN issue is very audible. Definately more smack, upper freq extension yet retaining its other good qualities. My brimar and kenrad black glass are going to stay packed for a while :-)

Guys with 6sn7's, you should try out this combo. Especially if you have virens amp.


I've been using the vt-231 jan version since the last two years. Totally agree with you - the tubes are absolutely astounding.
#108 erstellt: 19. Okt 2009, 06:42
Yes reignofchaos, but with which rectifier ?

My difference between the standard and JAN came about using the bigger rectifier. It draws more current from the power supply and that probably has something to do with it.

Its quite funny, that post the mods to the amp mostly all tubes with the ez80 rectfier sounded better except this particular pair of sylvania JAN. Before the mods the ez81 rectifier ruled.

#109 erstellt: 19. Okt 2009, 09:07

Manek schrieb:
Yes reignofchaos, but with which rectifier ?

My difference between the standard and JAN came about using the bigger rectifier. It draws more current from the power supply and that probably has something to do with it.

Its quite funny, that post the mods to the amp mostly all tubes with the ez80 rectfier sounded better except this particular pair of sylvania JAN. Before the mods the ez81 rectifier ruled.


I'm using a JJ/Tesla EZ81. There's a massive difference between the older BEL EZ80 and this one.
#110 erstellt: 19. Okt 2009, 09:32
Try the bel ez81 if you can. I have had a very good experience with it. I will try and swap it with a brimar and phillips ez81 later.

Many are realising the same in the west and have begun to use bel tubes.Their 12au7's are very good. I reckon very soon stocks of bel tubes may deplete in india. The only down side is the consistency of bel tubes so a matched pair would be better.

#111 erstellt: 19. Okt 2009, 10:01

Manek schrieb:
Try the bel ez81 if you can. I have had a very good experience with it. I will try and swap it with a brimar and phillips ez81 later.

Many are realising the same in the west and have begun to use bel tubes.Their 12au7's are very good. I reckon very soon stocks of bel tubes may deplete in india. The only down side is the consistency of bel tubes so a matched pair would be better.


I have the BEL as well. However I found the JJ to be a bit better in detailing. Its very minor but there. Since I got the JJ for virtually nothing, I'm not complaining. Otherwise I'd not pay money and then buy the JJ over the BEL.

#112 erstellt: 26. Okt 2009, 18:56
Has the contact of be3amplifiers changed ? Mails keep bouncing back.

#113 erstellt: 26. Okt 2009, 18:57

Manek schrieb:
Has the contact of be3amplifiers changed ? Mails keep bouncing back.


No idea! Haven't tried mailing him for a while.
#114 erstellt: 04. Dez 2009, 09:51

Manek schrieb:
Has the contact of be3amplifiers changed ? Mails keep bouncing back.


i received a reply from them not so long ago..

Btw, instead of those 6F8G roundplates...picked up a pair of these today for about 80$ shipped.

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 04. Dez 2009, 09:52 bearbeitet]
#115 erstellt: 04. Dez 2009, 12:08
Tks for the headsup

#116 erstellt: 06. Dez 2009, 11:28
are there any Indian variants of the 6SN7, 12SN7 tubes?

I'd be interested in picking up at least a pair each if they are any good.
#117 erstellt: 07. Dez 2009, 06:44
I doubt if 6sn7 or its variants were ever made in india.

Viren and aks would be the right people to guide you.

#118 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2011, 05:41
ANy suggestions for 6922 tubes for preamp/headphone amp duty? Currently using the standard JJ tubes.
#119 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2011, 06:50
Probably the jan philips/sylvania ?

Don't know if telefunken/mullard made em but one of then should have ?

Speaking of tubes......I saw a brand of tubes called NEUTRAL on rs website. Can't find stuff on the net with that name. Any idea what/who is that manufacturer ?

#120 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2011, 18:45

are there any Indian variants of the 6SN7, 12SN7 tubes


The 6SN7 and 12SN7 were not made in India.

ANy suggestions for 6922 tubes for preamp/headphone amp duty

You could try the E88cc in place of the 6922.

BEL made these in India. The Valvo version is supposed to be very good.

The E88cc tubes I have seen from Mullard, BEL etc have gold pins.

#121 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2011, 20:47
Rajiv, have you tried the BEL E88CC?
How do they compare to the EUropean counterparts?

Aren't they supposed to have used Mulalrd tooling?

Can you point me to a source for these tubes? THanks.
#122 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2011, 03:39

Rajiv, have you tried the BEL E88CC?
How do they compare to the EUropean counterparts?

Aren't they supposed to have used Mulalrd tooling?

Can you point me to a source for these tubes? THanks.


I tried the BEL E88CC tubes in an active crossover(Steve Bench) years ago.They were quite good,and better than the regular ECC88.

BEL used Phillips/Mullard tooling. BEL tubes even have the Mullard/Phillips factory code(V) etched on the tubes.

The BEL tubes were available from the old electronic spare dealers but almost all of these shops are gone or have switched to selling cellphones,computer stuff or chinese dvd players and such.

The far east tube dealers have also cleared out the Indian market of tubes.

I guess the source for these tubes is Ebay or the regular tube dealers.



[Beitrag von Rajiv am 09. Mrz 2011, 03:41 bearbeitet]
#123 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2011, 06:45
As a matter of fact I like the bel 12ax7 and 12au7 as well.

#124 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2011, 20:44
well for now i have a quad of matsushita 6922s on the way along with a quad of tesla 6922s and an octal set of TUngsram Red print 6922s.

Haven't gone off the deep end and bought the Siemens or telefunken CCa...yet

Gonna see how the headphone amplifier responds to rolling these quad sets instead of the standard JJs that are in them right now.

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 09. Mrz 2011, 20:49 bearbeitet]
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