Pro-ject Turntables

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#1 erstellt: 18. Okt 2004, 12:41
Hi there,
Appreciate anyone telling me where I could get them in Mumbai?
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 18. Okt 2004, 17:43
Hi Jeeves,

Mumbai's Nova Audio ( by Mr.Sushil Anand ) appears as the Indian Distributer on Pro-Ject's website.

You can also checkout their website :

Kindly let us know if you get any information.

#3 erstellt: 19. Okt 2004, 06:58
yes...please i would interested in the info as well.
#4 erstellt: 20. Okt 2004, 12:50
HI all,
I have bought a Project RPM 9 from Nova Audio, Mumbai. I have used RPM4 and RPM9 turntables and would like to share my views on them. At the asking price project RPM series is a real good buy !

RPM series is a nonsuspended turn table starting from RPM4 to RPM6 and the top of the line RPM9. RPM4 comes bundled with K4 cartridge (project branded GRADO) which can start you swinging along with a Project PhonoBox SE. The arm is fully adjastable for Azimuth and VTA and very much capable of accepting low compliance higher quality and costly cartridges. The platter a sandwich of Felt mat and heavy MDF is a simple solution. All this makes it an affordable entry level audiophile equip.

As you go up the RPM line the main bearing and tone arm construction changes, like the RPM 9's Project 9 carbon fiber tone arm and Inverted ceramic bearing for Perplex platter. All these chnages allows you to use higher quality cartridges. RPM 9 and Sumiko BPS combi is the best that you can get below Rs. 100K. It makes most of the CD players sounding rough and lifeless. CD will appear to be rather unnatural and will sure make you think of getting a better CD player. I am talking of the way Cymbals and kick drums are reproduced and a well recorded piano LP will sure make you wonder why the CD was created. (I love my CD's as much as my Lp's)

Project also have suspended which I have no first hand experience to comment on.

Warm regards
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#5 erstellt: 20. Okt 2004, 16:17
Hi Ani,

Thanks for your valuable and timely contribution!

When did you buy your turntable? Price?

Any information regarding their other models: debut,1 x'pression etc?

Kindly let us know...

Warm regards, Aniruddha.
#6 erstellt: 21. Okt 2004, 08:32
Hi Aniruddha,

RPM9 + Sumiko BPS will set you back by about Rs.95k.

RPM 4+K4 is about Rs 34k

I cannot help you with Project suspended (sub chassis) turnatbles ie the Perspective (top end model) or the Debut series.

I can only tell you that suspended turntables are more complex compared to rigid mass loaded design of RPM series. They require precise tuning of suspension to get the best out of it, due to this reason most of the suspended players have some colourations. LINN LP12 the big daddy of suspended type of turntables is also not immune from it! ( I'll buy a LP12 if it comes to me at an affordable rate )

For the same cost you can make a better non suspended turntable and that is what project has done in RPM series.

In RPM9 the money saved in not having a suspension is used for keeping the motor seperate on a solid base isolated from platter and arm board , using better quality arm bearings, heavy perplex(acrylic)platter with heavy brass puck on top of the vinyl disc ensures a solid contact with the perplex platter and thsi reduces unwanted excitation of disc by the stylus. This is one reason for the foot tapping quality of this turntable.

If need to have any specific info please feel free to contact me.

Hope this will make more people to start thinking of cleaning up the LP's.

Warm regards

Ist häufiger hier
#7 erstellt: 21. Okt 2004, 16:04
Thanks,Ani, for the information.
Yes, this will definitely help people to dig out their vinyl.
#8 erstellt: 02. Nov 2004, 08:03

A review on RPM 9. As an user of this turntable I think Mr Jason has got it right.

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