Jamo E855, Jamo E875 or Kef Q5

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#1 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 04:27
I am in the US right now and need to decide on the speakers within the next 2 days. I have a Rotel Int amp 100 x 2 and a NAD 521 CD player. The prices are as following:
1) Jamo E855 - $690
2) KEF Q5 - $450
3) Jamo E875 - $800
4) JM Lab 706 - Rs 22,000 in India (bookshelf)

I listen to a lot of Jazz and instrumental music. Please help me in making my decision and give your inputs as soon as possible as I have little time.

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#2 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 08:43
try the Jamo D450, I auditioned it with a bunch of Jazz and indian instrumental music and it was great, way above the E855 and 875.
I would have loved to buy it in the US as it was available for $690 from some NY store, do a search on froogle.google.com and you will come up with the store.

I have not heard the others and cant say much about them, however I purchased a set of phase tech speakers and found them to be excellent.

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#3 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 08:59
Rahul, I will suggest the Quad 12L or the Totem Rainmakers for the price you are willing to spend. I have auditioned both the speakers personally. Both have amazing speed and clarity. I like the transparency of the Quads though.
#4 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 09:52
Frankly all these speakers are pretty decent sound for their prices. Take a decision based on your taste. But I second the other two posters. If you are in the US, you have an amazing variety of speakers to choose from. Especially for your music taste I would suggest you go with speakers which are a bit more refined than the ones you suggested. The Jamo speakers get good only from the D series. The E 855 is a better speaker in the E series but even they are not all that great when it comes to details, coherency and natural sound.
You have phase and time coherent speakers from Green mountain audio.
Totem acoustics
Reference series from AV123. These guys usually have a sale of their ref bookshelf speakers with their valve amp as a package deal for around 1500 $ I know somebody in the US who bought them and is totally blown away.

Kits from Northcreek music. These should beat any speaker in your list.

What amp are you planning to partner these with ?
#5 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:54
hi guys,
any idea of the jpw towers,,
i heard the 205 floorstander, found it super-


best part is its a demo price so theres a discount on the price-
please share your experiences about jpw-
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#6 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 22:41
Thanks for the responses guys. I have not been able to audition the Quads as the dealer stays at quite a distance from where I am putting up. The Quad 11L is for 4500 and the 12L is for $670. But since I have'nt been able to hear it I can't take a chance. I am going to hear the Monitor Audio speakers today or tomorrow.
#7 erstellt: 15. Nov 2005, 07:47
The speakers like Jamo and Kef q series have more or less moved into mainstream sound. You being in the US are at a great advantage with dozens of niche players making outstanding speakers which are far more refined than the ones you suggested. You get awesome deals too in the US. Quad is good. Try and listen to quad. If you don’t like them, do more research and find better speakers. The ones you suggested are the ones we guys in India are stuck with. Make use of your geographical advantage and pick up the best you can find.
Have look at what is there at audiogon also

Whatever you choose, try and stay away from jbl, polk, infinity, bose etc…….as your music taste is more towards Jazz.
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#8 erstellt: 15. Nov 2005, 09:26
Rahul, take some timeout and listen to the Quad 12L. They were never in my audition list and I ended up buying them (21L). Prefered them over other loudspeakers costing $1500 more. It is an expensive investment which is worth the wait.

Also audition the Reference 3a and Mobile Fidelity's OML-1. I don't know your budget, but Spendors are also good buys. I have heard the Epos monitors and they too sound good.
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#9 erstellt: 15. Nov 2005, 20:08
Thanks guys for your responses. Square wave you are right about looking for other speakers but I am just not able to leave work early. And these guys work like 10am - 4.30 pm and are off on the weekend. Hence my desparation. I am flying back on Friday so panicked. My budget is a maximum of $700. The Quad prices are tempting but I am unable to hear them as the dealers live very far away. I have heard a lot about Quad but I don't think I can blindly purchase them. Please let me know about other speakers in the meantime which fall within my budget and my listening preferences. I am extremely grateful to you guys for all the inputs.
Thanks and regards
#10 erstellt: 17. Nov 2005, 08:13
Hi Panditr,
Have a look at the Jamo D590. You might find it at a discounted price. It is a very nice allrounder and nice looking too.
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