SUN Direct HD

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#1 erstellt: 17. Nov 2009, 08:58

Any one experienced SUN HD ? Is there any other service provider for DTH HD here in India?


[Beitrag von ani am 17. Nov 2009, 09:06 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 18. Nov 2009, 05:10
SUN DTH is the Only DTH HD TV source in India.

There are a couple of other FTA HD TV Channels available in the C Band ( different dish + LNB + Sat receiver required ). These FTA channels are in the process of turning pay...

SUN HD offers 2 HD Channels... both in Telugu ( SUN TV's Telugu content). The subscription for the HD channels is steep.

The SUN HD DTH STB is approx Rs 10 K.

The next 3 months should see the lauch of Nat Geo and or Discovery's HD TV channels, but they will be pay.

DD will relay the Commonwealth games ( Aug 2010 ) in HD, and Free To Air.

Currently HD Free To Air receivers are hard to find and available at Rs 3500.
#3 erstellt: 18. Nov 2009, 08:56
Thank you Ampnutji, So at present BD is the only source for true HD format. Going in for a new 42" panel so must take a call on Full HD and HD
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