DVD players with USB as source

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#1 erstellt: 28. Jun 2008, 13:54
Hi guys, im back to school
What do you guys think about DVD players that come with a usb port.eg:philips.can i attach a usb hard disc to those ,and use as a source for music and video.[audio through SPDIF ]?.If so,in what way such a system would differ from those expensive music servers as a source.any opinions or experienc.
I think my first post this year..
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#2 erstellt: 29. Jun 2008, 14:13
Not sure abt Philips capability to play media files direct from USB powered HDD, but among all available options Oppo DV -980 is best option.
It will play almost 95% of media files from your Hard Drive and upscale to 1080 i/p thru HDMI.
But for music I am not quite sure if HDD will be right option for playing music, I find IPODS / hdd mp3 player with Docking stations will be better off for Music.
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