Freed up my diamonds.At last!

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#1 erstellt: 04. Mrz 2005, 14:04
have been redoing the listening(hall) room for the past two hours.
took a big ugly piece of sofa ass out of the room and dedicated a whole wall(all of the 14ft) to the speakers.
increased the distance between the 8.4s from 6.5 feet to almost 9.3 feet. toed them in a little. will experiment with the toe in angle.
the speakers are now a good 16.5 inches away from the back wall.
only hope i can convince my dad to keep them that way.
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#2 erstellt: 04. Mrz 2005, 15:02
well, have been listening for almost an hour now and there is clearly a world of difference.
the treble has become smoother. the vocals are more free.
the bass though has declined.but the quality of the bass has improved in leaps and more long reverberations and 'guiieeee' sounds that eat up the midbass. but i still need to check and see if the distance between the speakers is a bit too much.
but there is definitely a diference. i also seem to feel the urge to turn up the volume on the Nad, but only a little.
The Nad just does'nt stop amazing and surprising me. it definiteley makes the bad recordings stand out(which is quite a lot in my case, because of the computer burnt CDs).
but the detail given out by the amp is only still sinking in. definiteley the best buy in my setup. can't wait to try out Murthy's jumpers.
#3 erstellt: 04. Mrz 2005, 15:19
Go get them tiger !

#4 erstellt: 04. Mrz 2005, 18:10
Looks like ur dad/mom will throw u and ur system out very soon

Thank god ur not married
#5 erstellt: 05. Mrz 2005, 08:59
hee hee....I remember the days when I used to fiddle with my dad's system and he would gritt is teeth but would not say much as he wanted to cultivate my curiosity. I remember blowing up his tweeter, screwing up his garard and his grundig turntables, opening up his speakers to resolder the wires on the driver just for kicks, playing deep purple and floyd until his ears bled.....I still am his favourite(or atleast i think i am )

Wish your dad is as patient as mine.

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