ribbon/planar magnetic VS Dome tweeters?

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#1 erstellt: 19. Jun 2005, 11:02
ur opinion regarding the ribbion tweeters/planar magnetic vs dome tweeters...

Ribbions are far far superior than the dome tweeter in terms of transperancy, fine detials and also free of coloration and the speed is extremely fast. IMD is said to be 150 times less than the domes and also the moving mass weight is about 30 times less than the highend domes and thats why they are used in few ultra highend series.

In the case of domes its said that domes like aluminium domes which gives better response but if its at highfreq then there will lots of IMD caused by the high freq excitation of the domes and sometimes will be untolerably harsh. Soft domes makes better hf extensions upto 40k.

Tell me your opnion regarding the ribbons and the domes. Any experience with the ribbions please share your experience with us.
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 19. Jun 2005, 11:40
i suggest u go to diyspeakers.net and look at the loudspeaker driver selection guide..
here u go..
#3 erstellt: 19. Jun 2005, 12:04
hey yes sachu i have seen this page very long time ago. I just want to know what is ur opinions. Coz everybody cant buythe planar magnetic spakers etc. Coz the cost is very heavy so im asking this.
Hat sich gelöscht
#4 erstellt: 19. Jun 2005, 12:07
i personally have'nt heard them but the crossover for them needs some special attention...They are not too expensive..u get the Hi-VI ribbons for around 60-70$...
#5 erstellt: 19. Jun 2005, 12:29
sachu come online right now....
Ist häufiger hier
#6 erstellt: 19. Jun 2005, 21:00
philips have a htib and a microsystem wtih ribbon tweeters here in uk.never heard them.do they have these in India
#7 erstellt: 20. Jun 2005, 07:48
i dont think they are of highend...I have seen even in India.
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