42" Plasma TV - Panasonic or Samsung

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#1 erstellt: 21. Mai 2009, 09:28
Hello Folks,
I'm planning to replace my old, trusty 29" Sony Kirara Basso for a larger screen Panel.

I'm sort of attracted by the 42" plasmas @ 50K rupee price point.

Trawling through the net, I figured that the two best Brand options available are

Panasonic Viera- PV80 D and the PV8 D

Samsung - A 450 P1 & A410C1

The Panasonic seems to pip the Samsung to the Finishing post by the whisker... especially when it comes to watching Tv in Standard Display

So three questions;

- What is your favourite 42"
- What is the best place in Mumbai to get a good deal
- What is the implication of buying a HD ready panel vs a full HD panel

Grateful as always for your counsel

#2 erstellt: 21. Mai 2009, 11:22
I am going to stick my neck out on this even though it may attract scorn and ridicule from videophiles...

My eyes tell me that today's LCD Flat panels are FAR SUPERIOR to Plasma Panels. My suggestion is to go to TV showrooms and see for yourself.

I must point out that I was a fan of Plasma years ago, particularly the Hitachi Plasma TV sets. That is history. Besides the heat generated and higher power consumption of Plasmas (which requires sometimes noisy fans built in), ALL Plasma panels have a glass sheet in front of them. This glass sheet reflects room objects particularly lights in the room. Besides the distraction, the reflection SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the visible contrast ratio of a Plasma TV in ambient room light. As a result colours look less vibrant and .... washed out. The price of LCDs is close to that of Plasmas and I suggest that you visit show rooms and see for yourself.

I would suggest the following show rooms :

Vijay Sales Opera House, the TV show room at the Mall in Bombay Central, Vijay Sales & Sony-Mony both located adjacent to each other opposite Siddhi Vinayak Temple.

I suggest you visit these show rooms after Sunset since they all (except the Bombay Central Mall) have large windows which let in sunlight; which washes out the TV pictures.

Show room demonstrations indicate to me that often cheaper flat panel TVs provide a BETTER picture on every day TV broadcasts. As an example, I prefer the Samsung series 3 to the Series 4 ! I also prefer the cheaper LG TVs to their top of the line model - Jazz.

I mainly look for good reproduction of Indian skin tones which are VERY VERY DIFFICULT. Many TVs turn them into orange !

Again, sticking my neck out, I do like the Sony LCDs which present a perfect white as well as vibrant colours without messing up skin tone. However some of the cheaper LCDs also come pretty close.

For best prices I would suggest you visit the 2 show rooms Opp. Siddhi Vinayak & BARGAIN ! You should be able to save upto a couple of 1000 rupees.

Bhagan69 got a super priced Panasonic Plasma from the Bombay Central Mall.... ( he is at the Munich HiFi Show, which opens today)

On HDTV .... High Definition TV is rapidly emerging in India. In general the only source for HDTV content in Mumbai (besides Blue Ray) is Sun DTH which offers its Tamil + Telugu Movie channels in 720p.... "HD Ready" resolution.

I quote from an article I had written a year ago :

High Definition TV (HDTV) aims to bring the visual clarity of movies at a theatre, to the Television set.

During development, trials were conducted to evaluate picture resolutions that TV audiences could differentiate and appreciate.

The results for that most viewers could barely tell the improvement from a 720p picture to a 1080p

Further, all viewers found a picture with 2000 pixels per line in distinguishable from photographic film. Hence the ultimate or true HDTV experience required 2000 pixels per line. Given the 16x9 aspect ratio, this implied that a true HDTV picture required 2000x9/16 = 1025 scanning lines. Given the TV standards in place, the closest resolution for
true HDTV is 1920x1080p.

Of course technology continues to march ahead and the Japanese have initiated research into delivering Enhanced HDTV. However, Enhanced HDTV will not be commercially available for at least another 5 years. On the other hand, since a large number of viewers cannot differentiate between 720p and 1080p images, many TV manufacturers advertise their 720p TV panels as 'HDTV Ready' and the 1080p TVs has 'True HDTV'.

You can read the full article at :


Also, obviously, TONs on the 'net.

The New Delhi Commonwealth games (August 2010) are to be broadcasted live in HD by Doordarshan on the Doordarshan Free To Air 'DTH' platform. By then most other DTH networks will probably offer special HDTV boxes (price Rs. 10 K to Rs. 12 K + Subscription of Rs. 100 per HD channel per month).

The ICC Cable Network in Pune already delivers several HD TV channels...

On yr question of Standard Def Vs HD ready Vs HD - Technically, a HD Panel will have more pixels and will render a 'smoother' pictures. Is it worth paying for ? Amongst other factors, the answer will depend on whether you plan to use this TV as the primary Home TV for the next 10 years, and whether you plan to invest in Blu-Ray.

Let your eyes decide.

My bottomline would be to actually visit show rooms and take a decision on what you see !


[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 21. Mai 2009, 13:20 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 21. Mai 2009, 12:08

Amp_Nut schrieb:

My eyes tell me that today's LCD Flat panels are FAR SUPERIOR to Plasma Panels. My suggestion is to go to TV showrooms and see for yourself.

I will agree on that. Even though I prefer Plasma in general but cheap Plasma sucks!! The good ones are superb but you dont get them in 50-60k range.
#4 erstellt: 21. Mai 2009, 13:25
Hey guys,
Thank you for this.


Amp_Nut schrieb:
I am going to stick my neck out on this even though it may attract scorn and ridicule from videophiles...

My eyes tell me that today's LCD Flat panels are FAR SUPERIOR to Plasma Panels. My suggestion is to go to TV showrooms and see for yourself.

I must point out that I was a fan of Plasma years ago, particularly the Hitachi Plasma TV sets.


I'm no expert, but from what I read off the net,

- the newer plasmas are more energy efficient than the older ones.Having said that the LCD might still be more efficient.

- you are right about the reflection, but this was also the case with the good ol' CRT TVs.Cannot this problem be contained to a large degree with a combination of drapes, lighting etc.

- In terms of sheer value ( especially in these recessionary times ) the 42" plasma seems like a good bet.

Lastly a question, will the models I spoke of be able to support a blue Ray as source?

Ist häufiger hier
#5 erstellt: 27. Mai 2009, 11:28
I have a 43 inch 720p Pioneer plasma which I bought almost 3 years ago and a 30 inch Samsung 720p LCD a couple of years ago.

Between the two - there is no comparison - The Pioneer is far superior.

I am not sure how the Pioneer I have would compare to the newer LCDs. But, with the Pioneer the colors are very natural and there is no eye fatigue.
#6 erstellt: 27. Mai 2009, 13:49
I'm not a Video buff...but still i will make my opinion.

My hitachi 42" plasma ...one yr old...i feel still is better than my relatives 42" Samsung LCD he bought only a few months back. I feel the images are too artificial on LCD.

The other TV i compared with was a Sony LCD...but the color balance in Sony never appealled to me ..regardless of whether it was CRT or LCD or thier Camcorder (I'm stuck with one that).

#7 erstellt: 28. Mai 2009, 04:23
I have to state another experience...about 4-6 months back.

In eZone, Jayanagar, BLR, They had this wall full of big TVs. They were playing a Philips Hi-def demo content.

They were showing a close-up of a bright red colored "towel" with a lot of texture. The image on all LCD TVs were so Jarring i could not see the texture of cloth at all. Only the Panasonic Plasma on that wall was an exception...which displayed the details of the texture, despite the bright red color.

Any explanation from the Video experts ?
#8 erstellt: 29. Mai 2009, 03:18
Hi Sivat,

I feel the differences should not be that great - they are there, but should only be in the finer details.

Maybe, it's in the tuning and setting of these displays. It's like in an audio store - systems set up to jar and shock you into believing you're listening to hi fi, rather than drawing you into the music!

#9 erstellt: 29. Mai 2009, 19:54
I'm planning to get a TV this weekend. The only ones I liked so far are the PV80 and a Hitachi 32" LCD. The latter was really surprising - very accurate color rendition and amazing sharpness. The overpriced sony W series sitting beside it looked really pathetic compared to it. I'm really keen to check out the 42" Hitachi but I have no clue where to search for one.

[Beitrag von reignofchaos am 29. Mai 2009, 19:55 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#10 erstellt: 30. Mai 2009, 07:28

based on the review on various forums, i am planning to purchase pany pv8. Kindy through some light with regard to best price being offered by a shop for pv8 at bangalore with japan panel.

#11 erstellt: 31. Mai 2009, 10:30
I would suggest holding off on a Panasonic PV8 or PV80 purchase. Panasonic may be bringing the new G10 range to India very soon. This should include the PV80 replacement - the P42G10 - which is a full-HD (1920x1080) Plasma.

Review here: http://www.hdtvtest....g10b-20090415146.htm
#12 erstellt: 31. Mai 2009, 18:17
The X10 is already available - for 63k from the panasonic brand store. I compared it to today side by side and other than a slight contrast advantage, I noticed little else.
#13 erstellt: 01. Jun 2009, 06:06

reignofchaos schrieb:
The X10 is already available - for 63k from the panasonic brand store. I compared it to today side by side and other than a slight contrast advantage, I noticed little else.

Is the X10 the Indian version of the G10 that particleman talks of...?


particleman schrieb:
I would suggest holding off on a Panasonic PV8 or PV80 purchase. Panasonic may be bringing the new G10 range to India very soon. This should include the PV80 replacement - the P42G10 - which is a full-HD (1920x1080) Plasma.

Review here: http://www.hdtvtest....g10b-20090415146.htm
#14 erstellt: 01. Jun 2009, 07:24

Krish schrieb:
Is the X10 the Indian version of the G10 that particleman talks of...?

I don't think so. The G10 is a full-HD plasma but the X10 isn't. Maybe I am being over-optimistic and Panasonic may not bring the premium line here as quickly as we might wish.
#15 erstellt: 01. Jun 2009, 09:36

Krish schrieb:

reignofchaos schrieb:
The X10 is already available - for 63k from the panasonic brand store. I compared it to today side by side and other than a slight contrast advantage, I noticed little else.

Is the X10 the Indian version of the G10 that particleman talks of...?


particleman schrieb:
I would suggest holding off on a Panasonic PV8 or PV80 purchase. Panasonic may be bringing the new G10 range to India very soon. This should include the PV80 replacement - the P42G10 - which is a full-HD (1920x1080) Plasma.

Review here: http://www.hdtvtest....g10b-20090415146.htm

G10 is Full HD, X10 is not.
#16 erstellt: 01. Jun 2009, 10:10

reignofchaos schrieb:

Krish schrieb:

reignofchaos schrieb:
The X10 is already available - for 63k from the panasonic brand store. I compared it to today side by side and other than a slight contrast advantage, I noticed little else.

Is the X10 the Indian version of the G10 that particleman talks of...?


particleman schrieb:
I would suggest holding off on a Panasonic PV8 or PV80 purchase. Panasonic may be bringing the new G10 range to India very soon. This should include the PV80 replacement - the P42G10 - which is a full-HD (1920x1080) Plasma.

Review here: http://www.hdtvtest....g10b-20090415146.htm

G10 is Full HD, X10 is not.

Hey got that thanx.

Do tell us what you finally end up buying.

#17 erstellt: 01. Jun 2009, 16:38

Krish schrieb:

reignofchaos schrieb:

Krish schrieb:

reignofchaos schrieb:
The X10 is already available - for 63k from the panasonic brand store. I compared it to today side by side and other than a slight contrast advantage, I noticed little else.

Is the X10 the Indian version of the G10 that particleman talks of...?


particleman schrieb:
I would suggest holding off on a Panasonic PV8 or PV80 purchase. Panasonic may be bringing the new G10 range to India very soon. This should include the PV80 replacement - the P42G10 - which is a full-HD (1920x1080) Plasma.

Review here: http://www.hdtvtest....g10b-20090415146.htm

G10 is Full HD, X10 is not.

Hey got that thanx.

Do tell us what you finally end up buying.


I think I'll mostly end up buying the Hitachi L42X02A LCD. Though I liked the SD image quality of the Panasonic, the colors are just too inaccurate for me. The green point is a bit too oversaturated which causes a greenish hue. You won't notice it until you see it beside an IPS panel LCD.

I'd have bought the plasma if Panasonic atleast gave an option of adjusting the white point. Unfortunately it doesn't. So I think I'll give it a pass.
#18 erstellt: 01. Jun 2009, 16:54
Glad you had a look before putting your money down...

Whatever the decision, atleast its your decision.

( I love the Hitachi Plasma panels... they and the Pioneer, I like best amongst plasmas.. )
#19 erstellt: 02. Jun 2009, 09:23

reignofchaos schrieb:
I think I'll mostly end up buying the Hitachi L42X02A LCD.

Even the new G10 does not have white balance control. If you don't mind, please let us know where and what price you get the Hitachi LCD for. I remember they had a good model last year but it was too expensive (90k for 42").
#20 erstellt: 13. Okt 2009, 10:32
I just wanted to update this thread to mention that I got the LG (yeah, I know) 47LH90 backlit-LED LCD for 83.5k and I'm pretty happy with it. Not the best blacks but it has more than acceptable picture quality for SD tv channels and does a very good job with upscaled DVD. HD is truly outstanding. Its only weakness is the sound which is pretty weak.

My parents are happy with the USB feature that lets them view photos with ease. I like being able to use it with my laptop as a really large monitor. Also happy with the generous amount of inputs and the fast input switching. I would gladly recommend this to anyone look for a low-cost full HD display.
#21 erstellt: 15. Okt 2009, 06:48
I was at good 'ol Vijay Sales the other day and happened to check out the Sharp Aquos LC - 42 A66 on the LCD panel wall.

To my amateur eyes the picture quality was far better than anything else on diplay - LG,Sony,Samsung,LG,Hiatchi ...

The blacks were very black, the white very white.Skin tones on SD PB were mostly better than other TVs.Also the PQ stood up to the 42" plasmas from LG and Panasonic.

This TV deserves much better response that it currently has.
I guess that it finnally boils down to Brand Image and Marketing muscle and the fact that it marketed and distributed by Kalani Sharp does not help the cause of the brand.

If you are looking for a LCD give this a dekko
#22 erstellt: 15. Okt 2009, 10:03

I concur... IMHO Sharp has ALWAYS made SUPERB LCD panels...
#23 erstellt: 16. Okt 2009, 13:02
In the past, I have (more than once) stuck my head out and said that I prefer today's LCD TVs to Plasmas.

Today I came across a report that California is planning to BAN use of ANY TV which consumes more than a specified power.

Also saw comparisons of Power consumption of Different High Def TV sets..

150 HDTV power Consumption Comparison

While some 42 inch LCD TVs consume as little as 130 Watts, there is a 42 Panasonic Plasma that consumes over 500 Watts.

That means 0.5 'Units' of power for every hour !

Will load your Home generator like crazy, or even when run on Govt Electricity, will cost Rs 4 or 5 per hour of use !

No guesses on which type of TV manufacturers are opposing the proposed law in California !

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 16. Okt 2009, 13:06 bearbeitet]
#24 erstellt: 16. Okt 2009, 13:12
Something to think about:

India Has more than 100 Million TV Set

Even (Conservatively) considering that each TV set consumes 1 Watt in Standby... our TV sets ( IN STANDBY) are continuously bleeding the Power Grid of 100 Mega watts, at all times !

At Prime time evening, assuming that most of the TV sets are on, TVs in India consume approx 10,000 Mega watts of Power

Contrary to popular belief, our older, CRT TVs consumed FAR less power than today's LCD TV sets.

A 21 inch CRT based colour TV consumed 65 Watts, a 29 inch CRT TV about 100 Watts.....
Ist häufiger hier
#25 erstellt: 29. Feb 2016, 22:13
Panasonic VT is great!
Ist häufiger hier
#26 erstellt: 04. Mrz 2016, 10:44
I have the VT20 in 50-er.
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