Yamaha or Marantz

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 21. Jul 2006, 06:09

I need your suggestions between Marantz & Yamaha recievers.

My interests for movies / music is = 70 / 30.

according to you which one would be the right choice between.

Marantz SR-4600
Marantz SR-5600
HK AV-435 - covered in AVmax - July Ed.
Yamaha RX-V559
Yamaha RX-V659 - covered in AVmax - July ed.

I was thinking of the RX-V659. This one really has loads of features for sound processing (as usual) + ipod connectivity + the option of connecting presence speakers.

but then i would need some of ur expert suggestions. but suggest me something between the above options only.
#2 erstellt: 21. Jul 2006, 06:46
Marantz is much more musical than Yamaha.
Features wise Yammy may win but thats it...
Effect wise both are good but again Marantz is much more musical and smooth in approach whereas Yamaha is Bright and agressive in approach.

If I may, I would reccomend you to listen to Sonodyne Surround Processor + 6 Channel Power amp. The cost is 44k but its worth every penny looking at the way it does music and movies.

Check http://www.sonodyne.com/MPA6150.htm

The cost is around 44k for the pair.
More importantly you have the flexibility to add on better Surround processors (keeping the power amp fixed) whenever you think of an upgrade.
#3 erstellt: 21. Jul 2006, 12:04
Marantz SR-5600 (or SR-4600)

Please don't go by number of features - listen to the performance. Believe me most of the features are never really used. And even if you listen to music 30 % of the time - stil the muscial performance of the system has to be good.


#4 erstellt: 21. Jul 2006, 12:42
Hey Sanjay,

Do u know any authorized dealer of Marantz in Delhi ??

I am also planning on an AVR.
#5 erstellt: 21. Jul 2006, 13:40
marantz is kept authorized by sharda- proaccoustics beside the panchasheel flyover-
along with boston , nakamichi and a couple of brands...
#6 erstellt: 21. Jul 2006, 14:07
Sharda ProAcoustics
S-block, Panchsheel Park
Opposite Panchsheel Club on the main road

Ph - 51745452, 51745451

Rupam Roy - 9811699698 Sales Manager


#7 erstellt: 13. Aug 2006, 13:56

abhi.pani schrieb:
Marantz is much more musical than Yamaha.
Features wise Yammy may win but thats it...
Effect wise both are good but again Marantz is much more musical and smooth in approach whereas Yamaha is Bright and agressive in approach.

If I may, I would reccomend you to listen to Sonodyne Surround Processor + 6 Channel Power amp. The cost is 44k but its worth every penny looking at the way it does music and movies.

Check http://www.sonodyne.com/MPA6150.htm

The cost is around 44k for the pair.
More importantly you have the flexibility to add on better Surround processors (keeping the power amp fixed) whenever you think of an upgrade.

Abhi, Would this Sonodyne 6-ch power amp eliminate the need for a separate stereo setup? Theoretically, it should sound as good as any stereo amp with discrete component circuits. Can I use the extra 6th channel to power a passive sub as in a DNM multi-ch amp? Lithos offers good passive subs.

I also feel that the Pulz 5-ch would be a good choice as it delivers 60W/ch, the same as my 2-ch power amp. I was quite tempted by it when I had the HT bug earlier. But the cost is scary
#8 erstellt: 16. Aug 2006, 09:16

Abhi, Would this Sonodyne 6-ch power amp eliminate the need for a separate stereo setup? Theoretically, it should sound as good as any stereo amp with discrete component circuits. Can I use the extra 6th channel to power a passive sub as in a DNM multi-ch amp? Lithos offers good passive subs.

I also feel that the Pulz 5-ch would be a good choice as it delivers 60W/ch, the same as my 2-ch power amp. I was quite tempted by it when I had the HT bug earlier. But the cost is scary

I have heard the 6 Channel power amp from Sonodyne...they are really really good. They sounded like a dedicated stereo amp. I couldnt do any extensive test so can talk about its ultimate performance. I suggest, you go and do a full audition and also let us know about your conclusion. That would be quite helpful infact. But for the price they are a superb product.
#9 erstellt: 16. Aug 2006, 12:54
The 6-channel power amp will perform as well with 2 channel stereo as with 6 channel surround. What's more important to be considered is the kind of pre-amp you are mating it with - 2 channel or multi-channel and what kind of performqance multichannel pre-amp gives with 2 channel stereo music.

When you run the audition, please check separately with both 2 and 6 -channel preamp separately. Its the preamp which has greater influence on the sound quality than does power amp.


#10 erstellt: 16. Aug 2006, 13:06

SDhawan schrieb:
The 6-channel power amp will perform as well with 2 channel stereo as with 6 channel surround. What's more important to be considered is the kind of pre-amp you are mating it with - 2 channel or multi-channel and what kind of performqance multichannel pre-amp gives with 2 channel stereo music.

Good point Doc...yes Pre-amp matters a lot. Thats also one of the greatest flexibility you get when you buy a power amp such as Sonodyne. You can always upgrade the pre-amp to your taste (tube, solid state etc) and budget keeping your power amp fixed. Thats one of the reasons I consider them to be great VFM.
#11 erstellt: 16. Aug 2006, 15:13
Abhi, how good is the Sonodyne multi-channel processor? I guess most people would just use that to drive their power amp.
#12 erstellt: 16. Aug 2006, 16:00

Neutral schrieb:
Abhi, how good is the Sonodyne multi-channel processor? I guess most people would just use that to drive their power amp.

They are very decent for the price man...unfortunately we dont have competitors (in India) for surround processors in that price range to do an A/B.
#13 erstellt: 17. Aug 2006, 03:32

abhi.pani schrieb:

Abhi, Would this Sonodyne 6-ch power amp eliminate the need for a separate stereo setup? Theoretically, it should sound as good as any stereo amp with discrete component circuits. Can I use the extra 6th channel to power a passive sub as in a DNM multi-ch amp? Lithos offers good passive subs.

I also feel that the Pulz 5-ch would be a good choice as it delivers 60W/ch, the same as my 2-ch power amp. I was quite tempted by it when I had the HT bug earlier. But the cost is scary

I have heard the 6 Channel power amp from Sonodyne...they are really really good. They sounded like a dedicated stereo amp. I couldnt do any extensive test so can talk about its ultimate performance. I suggest, you go and do a full audition and also let us know about your conclusion. That would be quite helpful infact. But for the price they are a superb product. :prost

The sonodyne amp and processor combo was one of the worst heap of electronics i have heard.

or maybe its the combination of the speakers and the electronics.
i just wasn't taken with it.
The SQ was apalling to say the least.
Best to stay away.
you would do much better with a Marantz
#14 erstellt: 17. Aug 2006, 08:10

Savyasaachi schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:

Abhi, Would this Sonodyne 6-ch power amp eliminate the need for a separate stereo setup? Theoretically, it should sound as good as any stereo amp with discrete component circuits. Can I use the extra 6th channel to power a passive sub as in a DNM multi-ch amp? Lithos offers good passive subs.

I also feel that the Pulz 5-ch would be a good choice as it delivers 60W/ch, the same as my 2-ch power amp. I was quite tempted by it when I had the HT bug earlier. But the cost is scary

I have heard the 6 Channel power amp from Sonodyne...they are really really good. They sounded like a dedicated stereo amp. I couldnt do any extensive test so can talk about its ultimate performance. I suggest, you go and do a full audition and also let us know about your conclusion. That would be quite helpful infact. But for the price they are a superb product. :prost

The sonodyne amp and processor combo was one of the worst heap of electronics i have heard.

or maybe its the combination of the speakers and the electronics.
i just wasn't taken with it.
The SQ was apalling to say the least.
Best to stay away.
you would do much better with a Marantz

Good to see a difference in opinion here. That re-emphasizes the need to listen before you decide.
Hence guys please give due importance to listening it yourself before you do your final shortlisting.

BTW Sachi, with what speakers did you listen to the processor + power amp combo ??
#15 erstellt: 17. Aug 2006, 08:33
Ur favourite ones..the sonus
#16 erstellt: 17. Aug 2006, 10:04
Hmmm...I listened to it with the Avant front speakers...it sounded very decent. I am yet to hear it with Sonus..may favs
#17 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 11:08
The sonodyne amp and processor combo was one of the worst heap of electronics i have heard.

or maybe its the combination of the speakers and the electronics.
i just wasn't taken with it.
The SQ was apalling to say the least.
Best to stay away.
you would do much better with a Marantz[/quote]

The most painful disease in the world love for good audio. You can't get a simple piece of advice!

Yes, this field is too subjective. I have heard the Sonus with the Sonodyne stereo amp and liked it. I have also heard the 6ch pre processor + 6ch power + Avant and liked it. But of course, an A/B is never possible at an exhibition. How would I know what accounted for my good experience:
1. Good pre
2. Good power
3. Good speakers
4. Good room and speaker placement
5. My idea of what sounds good
6. My brand views

But I would still say that a separate pre and power is a good option. Nice if a forum member with a Marantz would go to Abhi's home and do a A/B.
#18 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 11:24

Nice if a forum member with a Marantz would go to Abhi's home and do a A/B.

My home...
I dont have the Sonodynes that are being discussed here.
I have just listened to them once at the Showroom
#19 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 15:15
My sincere apologies, Abhi
Because you are such a great fan of Sonodyne, I just took it for granted that you had the Sonus et al at your place. Well I am mistaken. I do hope that the forum group meetings do take place at members' homes. That is a great chance to do A/B comparison especially of lighter devices like players and amps.

I am really lucky Junia brought over his Nad + Plinius + Dynaudio system to my place. And Observer brought over his Pioneer DVD player. This has given me a chance to experience the difference between systems. So I can talk based on fact, rather than on blind opinion.

It's sad that I have never had the opportunity to listen to a really great system (Bryston, Magnepan, Mark Levinson, Nautilus etc.) in a properly treated home environment. Those opportunities help to build one's perspective on the value of a great system.
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