HIFI-FORUM » English » Surround (Engl.) » Sound card or AV receiver? | |
Sound card or AV receiver?+A -A |
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erstellt: 21. Mai 2005, |
This is a theoretical question for all you intellectual types. What would be the better option for great sound: 1. Use the DAC of a sound card and decode surround sound using Power DVD. Then connect multi-channel power amplifers. 2. Output a digital signal using a coaxial cable and use the DAC and amplification of the AV receiver. I have an N-Force 2 sound card at home. Any ideas how it would compare to the common AV receivers? |
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erstellt: 21. Mai 2005, |
hi Iam sandeep, I have the Nforce1 on my system. Once I have connected my yamaha amplifier with my new product Helia speakers and the sound is very good. I think you have the A7N8X mobo ... well I will send a personal mail to u regarding the speakers You just tell me your mail address. AV receivers are of Highend series will be good but it will not be meaningful to connect some very highend av receiver to your pc. But if you use ur pc as source then you have got very high flexibility but you need to have the best sound card in the market. Like Audigy4 pro. For games take my word its will be really mind blowing. u just mail me to sandeepsonic2006@yahoo.com I will give you the complete information. best regards, Sandeep |
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