Denon vs Marantz ??

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#1 erstellt: 18. Jan 2005, 07:59

I have been meaning to ask this for sometime.

Since both Denon and Marantz brands are now actually coming from the same company DM Holdings, are they any different from each other?

Are there any characteristic differences in their respective models?

I find it strange that some dealers retail only Denon and not Marantz and vice versa.
#2 erstellt: 18. Jan 2005, 09:13
Marantz in general will give you warmer, more laid back sound. Some like it, some dont.

denon and marantz products are voiced differently. Maybe marantz could be percieved as higher end.

#3 erstellt: 20. Jan 2005, 16:51
what exactly is warmer sound..something got to do with softness of the vocals and highs
#4 erstellt: 21. Jan 2005, 10:25
Denon = Denki( japan)+Onkyo( japan).
Marantz = high end philips ( europe )
hope this helps
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