+A -A
#1 erstellt: 30. Jan 2005, 18:04
Hi! Guys,
With all the talk on TTs I have decided to manufactuer one. Thankfully my cousin has a dedicated Acrylic fabrication factory & his 40 years of experience will help me. I use to work there in my sparetime and hence know a lot about this stuff to.

I plan a exact replica of the Clearaudio Emotion. I will source the same tonarm, cartridge and motor. I will make the platform and the platter etc. Will try to do the main bearing. If anyone of you want to help in this project pls do so by giving me more info. I really do not know how long this will take, but I dont think I can sleep without trying to finish a few rough sketches that are in my head right now.

Just got some dedicated audio platforms from acrylic made for a client who will use them. He will put them on top of the vibrapods that I have got for him. (

My first consignment of vibrapods is already sold out and hope to order some more soon.


#2 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 05:49
Hi Prithvi,

Best of luck in your new venture. I would be happy to share with you my highs and lows of analog life

What have youplanned for the main bearing ? Take a look at RPM9 brg arrangement, it is a cleaver one that work very well.

You will have to get the platter dynamically balanced, Acrylic cast sheets are prone to have density varaiation so it would be a lot easier if you check the static balance before machining.

Eventhough Acrylic has good inherent damping I have noticed that it is better to have a small but heavy plinth for unsuspended designs.

If possiblework out an easy arrangment for VTA adjustment, some sort of micro screw with locking, it depends on the mounting of the arm.

best of luck again and waiting impatiently to hear about the good result

Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 18:39
Hi Prithvi,

A very interesting project indeed! Keep on informing about the progress..

Can you provide some more information on Vibrapods, I mean sizes, prices etc.?

#4 erstellt: 01. Feb 2005, 03:13
Everything about the vibrapods are on
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