where are u from?
1. Bangalore (53.1 %, 17 Stimmen)
2. Hyderabad (12.5 %, 4 Stimmen)
3. Mumbai (21.9 %, 7 Stimmen)
4. Chennai (9.4 %, 3 Stimmen)
5. New Delhi (3.1 %, 1 Stimmen)
(Zum Abstimmen müssen Sie eingeloggt sein)

where are u from?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 04:38
Hi friends,
Where r u from? and also please reply for this with your name.

#2 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 04:49
coz when i come there i wanna meet you
#3 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 12:12
oh many of them are from Bangalore..
#4 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 14:43
Oh, I'm from Germany near Heidelberg
But I've been for a long time in Pawannoo near Chandigar/Shimla aprox. 250 north from Delhi! It was a great time for me and the scenery there was lovely....

@Sonic_Master: Where are you from? Are you an Indian subject?

Greetings Möllie
#5 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 15:49
yes I am an Indian im from Andhra Pradesh...
Ist häufiger hier
#6 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 16:56
I am a carbon based unit from the planet earth who evolved into a bi-pedal state from single celled organisms

[Beitrag von oarnura am 31. Mai 2005, 17:00 bearbeitet]
#7 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 17:07
It seems to be more the south part of India?

I was in Himachal Pradesh. A very nice place.....

It seems here are registered a lot a Indian people?

Who else comes from India?

#8 erstellt: 01. Jun 2005, 05:56
oarnura wrote :

I am a carbon based unit from the planet earth who evolved into a bi-pedal state from single celled organisms

Hi carbon based here's some CO for you... puff puff puff

and burrpppp
Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 01. Jun 2005, 06:32

SUB_BOSS schrieb:
oarnura wrote :

I am a carbon based unit from the planet earth who evolved into a bi-pedal state from single celled organisms

Hi carbon based here's some CO for you... puff puff puff

and burrpppp

I am guessing you haven't read Hitchhiker's guide to appreciate the humour.
#10 erstellt: 01. Jun 2005, 06:34
oarnura wrote :

I am guessing you haven't read Hitchhiker's guide to appreciate the humour.

Hmm no.

Me too guessing that you haven't read my posting clearly..It was an offer for a smoke and drink. If you refuse it then your Hitchhiker's guide has actually taught you to appreciate humour but not to appreciate and acknowledge an offer. Anyways I'm enjoying it Puff puff..... .

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 01. Jun 2005, 06:51 bearbeitet]
#11 erstellt: 01. Jun 2005, 07:24
going by Hitchhikers...we are wasting our time on audio.. the earth is after all a giant lab run by rats testing out humans.. and audiophile just belong to "sound reproduction dept" in the "creative reproduction" building
#12 erstellt: 01. Jun 2005, 07:34
What about the tangential circumference to the curve with right angled ellipsoid ??

cheers sub, arj, oarnura....
#13 erstellt: 01. Jun 2005, 07:37
Arj wrote :

in the "creative reproduction" building

very true..



#14 erstellt: 01. Jun 2005, 09:07
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#15 erstellt: 01. Jun 2005, 20:02
New Delhi, beautiful capital of hindoostan, half bustling, futuristic metropolis, and half horrendous stinking dump. And I'm proud of it too.

The money's all here, and everyones hungry all the time. Perfect for a cook. If you wish to visit me, you have an open invitation. Come armed with zintac and imodium and a gas mask - I try not to bathe. It makes the food tastier. You can experience Jagjit Singh in Neo6 surround ...
#16 erstellt: 05. Jun 2005, 08:55
Hi Cook,

week 24 I'm likely going to Delhi! Maybe I can follow your invitation......

Greetings Möllie
Ist häufiger hier
#17 erstellt: 06. Jun 2005, 07:06
I just voted and doubled Chennai's score in the forum!
#18 erstellt: 06. Jun 2005, 07:19
I was too busy emulating good old Sub all these days to think of anything else!

Anyway, now that I have done my bit in increasing Mumbai's tally, albeit marginally, I can go back to his excellent pastime!

#19 erstellt: 07. Jun 2005, 08:18
big ears wrote :

I was too busy emulating good old Sub all these days to think of anything else!

Anyway, now that I have done my bit in increasing Mumbai's tally, albeit marginally, I can go back to his excellent pastime!

whats better than a good rink thats atleast a modest path to true relaxation....

and a smoke too.....puff puff... ..puff..
#20 erstellt: 07. Jun 2005, 08:18
big ears wrote :

I was too busy emulating good old Sub all these days to think of anything else!

Anyway, now that I have done my bit in increasing Mumbai's tally, albeit marginally, I can go back to his excellent pastime!

whats better than a good drink thats atleast a modest path to true relaxation....

and a smoke too.....puff puff... ..puff..
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