Need Help to My NAD 3020

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#1 erstellt: 11. Mai 2004, 07:56
The power light of my NAD 3020 suddenly has gone out and there is some quite audible low frequency noise now. I've tried to turn the volume but the amplitude of the noise stayed the same. However, I can change the noise by turning the balance and tone knobs. Do you know what's wrong with it? Should I have it serviced? As I bought it at a pretty low price, I don't want to spend a whole lot of money to fix it (even though I like its sound very much...) Are there any other pre-amplifiers or amplifiers which sound alike? Thanks!
#2 erstellt: 11. Mai 2004, 08:42
its either you amp or your interconnects......
NAD has a nice distinctive sound very much unique to itself so if you like the amp so much you should either find out how much it will cost to repair from a service station or buy another one of the same.

The nad 320bee is the extension of the 3020 so yo could try that out.

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#3 erstellt: 14. Mai 2004, 02:44
I've checked the repair cost and asked for some more advice. I decided not to have my 3020 fixed and it's been traded with another 2 amplifiers (Pioneer SX-727 and Marantz 140) for EICO HF-81 to drive my Spendor SP2. I'm quite satisfied with the sound quality.
#4 erstellt: 14. Mai 2004, 04:27
oh great.....
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