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CDPs that live up vs. CDPs that don't

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#51 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 08:37
I wonder if someone on this forum owns a Samsung HD950 (DVD player) and would let us know how it sounds. The latest (Indian) issue of What Hi-Fi? has given it a 5 star rating and says it has excellent sound as well...

One question on adding an external DAC - are these DAC's independant of the formats (mp3, SACD) or are designed to handle specific types?
#52 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 09:40

raftuq schrieb:

One question on adding an external DAC - are these DAC's independant of the formats (mp3, SACD) or are designed to handle specific types?

commercially available 2 channel DACs are meant specifically for PCM.
ie for 2 channned DACs it needs a PCM input . hence regular CDs, HDCDs, MP3s etc are ok as inputs.

SACD digital standards being different do not allow a separate DAC for DSD decoding. hence for SACD, DVDA/DVDs if you need to use the dac u need to force the output from the player as a PCM..else the DAC will not be able to lock on to the signal.
#53 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 09:43
Arj how do you rate the Black Box 50 DAC's??
#54 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 09:57
hi SuB, have not really heard about it. can you post a link to it .?
#55 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 10:04
The SACD standard in fact PROHIBITS ( to avoid piracy) a 'Digital Output' from an SACD.

Universal players Mute the Digital O/p when an SACD spins ....

Hence cant use any External digital processing with an SACD.

Some Studio SACD players, do, now provide a Digital data stream...
#56 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 10:17

Amp_Nut schrieb:
The SACD standard in fact PROHIBITS ( to avoid piracy) a 'Digital Output' from an SACD.

you are right.. i forgot that point
#57 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 10:24

Arj schrieb:

Amp_Nut schrieb:
The SACD standard in fact PROHIBITS ( to avoid piracy) a 'Digital Output' from an SACD.

you are right.. i forgot that point :)

I am not so sure;

There are machines that have 'digital outs' in SACD

There is the Accuphase DP-100 & DC-101 model

TEAC Esoteric - P-0 & D-0's

dCS Verdi and gang.

All have digital outs on SACD.

Maybe not recordable. since the hardware [blank SACD's]
itself is not existant. Besides there are no SACD recorders either.

#58 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 10:27
I forgot to mention the 'father of them all' - EMM Labs - Ed Meitner too has a digital out on the Transport. In fact it too has 3 digital outs. Left + Right + Word Clock.


P.S. The Teac Esoteric has seperate DACS for the Left & Right & also has 2 word clocks in the same chasis for the sync. The digital signal is split in many ways before it gets converted onto analogue sound.

In fact the reference digital play back is a 7 chassis set up. Mad - Absolutely Crazy !!!!

[Beitrag von bhagwan69 am 13. Jul 2006, 10:29 bearbeitet]
#59 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 10:33
i believe the entry level SACD players do not have a digi out.. it is the univesal players which have.. but even for them from what I understood, they do not give an output out as PCM from a pure SACD recording
#60 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 11:23
Hi Folks,
Beyond NAD and Marantz is there an 'entry level' player in India? I auditioned the Marantz at home with my own equipment and in contrast to what many others hold, I found it to be harsh sounding at the high frequencies although it is very detailed. Quite frankly it was hard to listen to at times. I told the dealer that I did not like it, and auditioned another CD player which he suggested.This is the budget model Audio Analogue player the half width Primo. There was a very clear difference at first listen. The high frequencies are so much more refined. Violin can be heard a live levels without stress. There is plenty of detail too. Although the imaging is nothing to write home about I was impressed enough to buy it along with an AA interconnect which didnt come cheap. For a high quality starter CDP, this is a very respectable choice. I did not compare it with a NAD but it beat the pants out of the Marantz 5001. Its nice looking too. My only complaint is a lousy remote and controls that are much too limited. No program play for instance.

The role of a good CD player in a system should not be underrated. In some ways it is the weakest link. In my experience a decent entry level amp can expose the limitations of the CDP. One of the best CD Players I ever heard was the Marantz CD80. It was so well organized in its presentation. The instruments were taut and the sound firm and clear without a hint of aggression. This may be getting mystical, but a really good CD player can enhance attentiveness to the music, although I wonder if its just my imagination.
#61 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 11:30

One of the best CD Players I ever heard was the Marantz CD80. It was so well organized in its presentation. The instruments were taut and the sound firm and clear without a hint of aggression. This may be getting mystical, but a really good CD player can enhance attentiveness to the music, although I wonder if its just my imagination.

No it's not your imagination, Infact CD 72 and the best is 94 are extremely good players..I can vouch that CDP's costing a lot cannot come close to these in terms of refinement and noticebale was very good vocals and bass to die for..
#62 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 12:20

i believe the entry level SACD players do not have a digi out.. it is the univesal players which have.. but even for them from what I understood, they do not give an output out as PCM from a pure SACD recording

1. You are correct. As I said in my earlier post, Sony's SACD standard PROHIBITS any drive providing an SPDIF digital output, for consumer applications, from an SACD.

Even Computer drives like the Plextor mute their SPDIF outputs, when confronted with an SACD.

I have researched this long & hard, in an effort to Copy SACDs and DVD-as.

Pro SACD Players have emerged with SACD Digital Outputs. They claim Pro use.... hence can offer the outputs.

2. SACDs, do NOT carry the music inb the same format as CDs.

CDs use PCM encoding.

SACDs use DSD, which will produce the Audio output, in principle, using only 1 Resistor + 1 capacitor, as a Low pass filter, ie a passive Low Pass Filter.

It does Not require a seperate DAC !

THAT is why Sony is SO TOUCHY in not offering the digital datastream directly, which can then be copied...

Incidentally, the SACD disc holds approx as much data as a DVD !
#63 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 12:40

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

One of the best CD Players I ever heard was the Marantz CD80. It was so well organized in its presentation. The instruments were taut and the sound firm and clear without a hint of aggression. This may be getting mystical, but a really good CD player can enhance attentiveness to the music, although I wonder if its just my imagination.

No it's not your imagination, Infact CD 72 and the best is 94 are extremely good players..I can vouch that CDP's costing a lot cannot come close to these in terms of refinement and noticebale was very good vocals and bass to die for..

The Europeans have similar words for the CD 63. No wonders there are three versions: The Mk II, The KI signature and the SE (Special Edition).
#64 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 12:55
In fact I drew this conclusion after I had a good listening sessions with's extremely good, good refinement and dead heavy..will beat many amps of today...And as far as 63 KI I have to give good opinion becoz I did intensive listening.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 13. Jul 2006, 12:56 bearbeitet]
#65 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 12:56
Its sad that Soundsmiths broke up with Rega. I believe their minimum order quantities were unrealistic for the Indian market and we are the losers.
Their Planet (single case) was real value for money I think around 40k. Even their new model the Apollo has got great reviews and is priced similarly. I think it (Planet) was Sam Tellig's reference for a while.
#66 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:17

Jeeves schrieb:
Even their new model the Apollo has got great reviews and is priced similarly.

aparently has a great transport.especially the reading and error correction.

from what i hear , is the definitely the most VFM at that price range..

Planet was not the best when it came to detail, but the Appolo has apparently got over that as well..and it reads MP3s too !
#67 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:20
It may be worth someone's while to check if SS has some unsold stock.
#68 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:24

Jeeves schrieb:
It may be worth someone's while to check if SS has some unsold stock.

They do. They have a clearance sale going on for some time now. I just saw an ad in this month's AV Max.
#69 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:26
Guys pl grab the CDPs and TTs those who are in the market.
#70 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:29
Yes they have some Rega stuff, Dali's ASR and Blue series, Gale monitors and Ecosse cables among other stuff on 'sale'? I was thinking at looking at the Ecosse myself!
#71 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:30
jeeves could you share something on your new speaker ?
#72 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:42
Arj dont get me started...I am sick of getting on Google to read reviews on the speaker!(I know them all by heart by now) Maybe you know the feeling...till you physically get the thing you try and find anything about it!
Most certainly looking fwd to the damn things and will write about my impressions a few days after they are delivered.
#73 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:43
If you´re interested in a cd-player that really sounds good an natural you should also consider the Audiomeca Obsession II.... in comparison to Rega Planet it delivers more of everything.
#74 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:45
Ah Duncan..if only life in India was so easy and plentiful....
#75 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 13:49

Jeeves schrieb:
Arj dont get me started...I am sick of getting on Google to read reviews on the speaker!(I know them all by heart by now) Maybe you know the feeling...till you physically get the thing you try and find anything about it!

hehe.. I went into the extent of downloading files and making PDFs of them !! and had to wait for 1 full month before i got them !
know exactly what you are saying.

BTW what ARE you buying ?
#76 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 14:00
Well.... the Obsession is worth some pains.... if you wisch I can send you the adress of their hompage.

Wichi part of India do you live in? Close to Mumbai?
#77 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 14:02
IN Mumbai!
#78 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 14:05
Hope you´re well...

Funny thing is... on of my Professors at University was also from Mumbai... and guess what kind of paper I wrote in his course... Salman Rushdi´s book about Mumbai...... the world is really small....

Even more funny.... today I had for lunch a really god Dahl I cooked yesterday.

[Beitrag von Duncan_Idaho am 13. Jul 2006, 14:06 bearbeitet]
#79 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 14:23
What did you have the Dal with? Rotis? Apparently the Philips DVDPs here in India can PLAY ROTIS too. LOL Jus kidding...there's an ad that shows the DVDP plays anything and someone even tries inserting a roti in the drive.

We're all ok here... touch wood!
#80 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 14:45
Hi Duncan,
Your suggestion and offer to help with the homepage address is appreciated. I think many of us who are passionate about this hobby in India are extremely well read on the market offerings. We read a lot.
However when it comes to buying we have limitations because of a few reasons listed below in no particular order of importance.
India has a small or no mind share with major audio companies
The high end audio market is small
The import duties and therefore the final cost is prohibitive
This hobby is not well known
There are only a few brands available
Because the market is small distributors cannot stock many brands
etc etc..

#81 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 14:47
Oh Duncan, a day old dahl or what we call 'basi' dal is always tastier than fresh dal. basi actually means smelly!
#82 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 14:48
Well... a comapny over here showed how you can play a salami in a CD-Drive...

Actually I had plain rice with it.... but I really like indian cooking.... my Currys are feared/enjoyed. ;).

Well... more or less the same over here... noone tried to blow up Gorge Bush on his visit to Stralsund... but a friend of mine who works on a police scuba unit had to go there... would have rather been with his wife an his newborn daughter.

On the other hand... looks like the Near East really is going to blow the fuse this time....

I can´t understand terrorism.... a friend of mine lives in Sri Lanka and he just wants to live in peace... no chance... a few dung-heads and all others have to suffer.
#83 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 14:56
Proac Response One SC
#84 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 15:32
oh the 1 SCs .. nice choice and definitely a move up from the studios !

must quote you this line from another forum on the comparison between an SC and a tablette not so great grammar but carries the message quite well !

Response Ones sound as it they're a more mature women whom is more laid back in the way in which she carries herself and is often seen a s more mild manner - whereas the tablettes come off as being say a very youthful 19 year old whom is about to find out what life is all about for the first time and is more often to show the world that she isn't afraid to be viewwd by others for what she truthfully is: More alike and has a sense of purpose yet is still seeking a little bit more refinement, a little more show off for her own good. If you can understand my meaning of this statement? then you'll have an ideal of each speakers personality.
#85 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 02:07
Hey the one Sc woman kinda suits me! Thanks Arj!
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