How do I repair my tube amp?

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#1 erstellt: 17. Jul 2013, 06:31
Need help in fixing my Tube amp.

Hello everyone,

I really need help. A month ago my cayin MT12A tube amps power transformer failed and stopped functioning.

I tried contacting the manufacturer for support but there is no response. Does anyone have knowledge about these amps. Schematics or at least the transformers secondary voltages so that I can get it wounded.

Any assistance in this regard would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

#2 erstellt: 19. Jul 2013, 09:51

I disconnected and opened up the transformer, and checked the resistances of prim and sec windings. Primary is showing shorted. (photo)
1 sec shows 36ohms
2 sec 2 ohms
3 sec nothing (open)
What other tests should I conduct, to know the condition of the Xformer.


IMG_4589 by hydrovac, on Flickr

IMG_4590 by hydrovac, on Flickr

IMG_4591 by hydrovac, on Flickr

IMG_4599 by hydrovac, on Flickr

IMG_4600 by hydrovac, on Flickr
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